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Naway's p.o.v
As we waited for the people's return I sat there with Tuk and I made flower crowns with her and I made her a Pa'li and ikran toy carved out of wood. We used some paint made out of crushed up plants and a little bit of water. Once when I was done we played together and were just having fun.

''Sometimes Neteyam tries to make me toys but they're not as good as yours'' she says making me giggle. ''Like the last time he tried to make me a sturmbeest and he accidentally cut off the head to it'' she says making me hold my hand up to my mouth as I giggle. ''He needs to work on his carving skills thats for sure'' i smile.

''Yeah he does'' she giggles as she fixes the flower crown on my head. ''Thank you Tuk Tuk'' I smile at her. ''You're welcome Naway'' she smiles back. ''You are so pretty '' she adds on. ''Thank you Tuk, but you are even prettier than me'' I say with a smile. Her eyes light up and she blushes a bit.

As shes about to say something we hear everyone get back. We both quickly get up and run to greet everyone. I grab ahold of Tuks hand and we make it to the main area. ''Tuk Tuk'' Neytiri calls out happily. I let go of Tuk as she runs up to her mother and hugs her tightly while Neytiri picks her up. I smile at the sweet sight and my face drops as I don't see Neteyam on his ikran right away.

Lo'ak pulls up and I quickly walk over to him as he gets off. He looks like he has some scratches on him. ''Are you okay'' I ask as I look over him to make sure he does not have any serious cuts. ''Ah Lo'ak come on you have some bruises on you'' I try to pull him towards the Tsahìk hut.

''No it's okay'' he shrugs me off. ''I'm okay really'' he explains with a soft smile. I huff at his stubbornness but respect his wishes. Before I know it Toruk makto arrives with Neteyam on his Ikran. All that hoes through my mind is the worst. ''Neteyam'' I gasp as I wuickly walk over to where he and jake are. They both get off of the ikran and I look at Neteyam.

I walk over and start quickly inspecting his body. He had cuts on his body and a pretty good gash on his side and back. ''Oh teyam'' I exclaim. ''What did you do, come on let's get you to our tent'' I start pulling him but still make sure I'm not hurting him in any way.

''I am okay Naway'' he says in a calm tone trying to help ease my mind. ''You are bleeding you are not okay'' I look up at him with a stern look. ''Naway, why dont you go get your tent ready to treat Neteyam while I have a quick chat with him and Lo'ak then he is all yours'' Jake says giving me the Olo'eyktan look.

''Yes Toruk'' I bow my head and pin my ears before letting go of Neteyam and scurrying to our tent. I make sure our mat is rolled out and I gather some of my Tsahìk stuff from home and some of the stuff that grandmother had given me. I grab small candles to give the tent some sort of light. Once when I am done I sit there quietly and wait for him to walk in.

I keep on waiting until eventually he walks into the tent. I smile at him and pat the mat in front of me. He sits down and eventually I start getting to work. I start cleaning the blood from his wounds and his body. Then I put yalna root on his cuts and then wrap them with leaves that are soaked in water and then a specific oil to keep it clean.

''It will heal in no time'' I smile as i rub his back. ''Thank you'' he smiles at me. ''I like your flower crown'' he chuckles fixing it on my head making me slightly blush. ''Tuk and I made one for eachother'' I say as I begin to clean up everything from the floor and put it away before taking off the crown and putting it on my rack.

''Well you look beautiful'' he says making me blush even more. ''Irayo Neteyam'' I look over to him with a blush on my cheeks. ''No, thank you for letting me see your pretty face'' he smiles. I sit infront of him on my knees and grab his hand in mine.

''I was really worried about you when you were on your father's ikran and not your own'' I whisper as I look into his eyes. ''Oh really now?'' He smirks. ''Yes'' I nod my head.

''Hey I'm okay, we're all okay it was just a couple of cuts but you were able to help me with your amazing Tsahìk skills'' he says making me giggle a bit. ''I am just too good at what I do'' he boasts. ''Oh stop you'll give yourself an even bigger head with all of that talk'' I chuckle making him gasp and put a hand over his heart.

''I do not have a big head'' he contradicts. ''Yes you do'' I smile making him tackle me onto the mat. ''Take that back'' he says making me chuckle. ''No I will not'' i smile. ''Well fine then, but you asked for it'' he says before he starts tickling my sides like he did this morning.

''No, no stop it Neteyam'' I giggle as I squirm away from him. ''Then take it back'' he demands. ''Never'' I say before I continue to laugh and squirm. ''Then i guess i will never stop either'' he announces. ''Fine, your head isnt big and you Neteyam are the mightiest warrior of them all'' I giggle.

He finally stops and let's me up from my spot. I take a couple of breaths and fix my outfit before looking over to a smiling Neteyam. ''Come on, lay down now and rest. You have had a long day mighty warrior'' I giggle as I get up and blow out the candles before I walk up to the opening and close it.

I walk back over to the mat and lay down. He wraps his arms around me and I snuggle into him and just calm down as I sink into his warmth and let sleep take me away.

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