Whats going on?

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Our house is small for most people but we aren't most people. There's only three of us so we really don't need a lot of space. Our house is built on an old tree farm which they stopped using after the city decided that we have cut down enough trees so they can regrow. We have two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. Madi sleeps in the living room so that we can have our one rooms. My room is just a bed and a table, but Sky she decorated her room with posters of places she wants to go.
Today was Saturday and that means we have nothing to do, since Madi's the oldest she has a job and I'm old enough to have a job but I have to watch Sky and do what she wants. She's always asking me to go on the hay bails because she wants to pretend she's flying but problem with that is if we get caught they could arrest us, but this time I let her.
We were jumping from hay bail to hay bail when Sky tried something new she jumped to a hay bail that wasn't there, she was going to fall and break her bones. I jumped towards her but I wasn't fast enough and she was... she was flying? She was hovering above the ground and nothing was holding her back, she was truly flying. I was shocked and so was she but how? "Emily," she whimpered in excitement "I'm flying."
She closed her eyes and went higher until she was back on the hay bail.
On the way home I told her not to tell anyone until we know what happened to you. It was getting colder and we weren't even to home, the sky showed signs of rain about show. I was telling Sky to start running but she was slow and the rain has already begun. Except it wasn't hitting us, the rain was poring everywhere around us but it was missing us.
"Emily," Sky proclaimed "you're controlling the rain!"
I think she was right, but we still didn't have time for this.
"We better hurry before it gets cold and dark, I don't think I can do anything to stop that!" I hurried my sister.
Madi was waiting on the porch for us. When the sight of two girls running in the rain came in her view she started crossing her arms which meant a speech.
"Do you know what time it is? Or how worried I was?" Madi scolded us.
"Madi you wouldn't believe what just happened! Sky was jumping and she fell but she..." I was cut off.
"Sky why would you be jumping and how are you two not wet?" She took a long look at us.
"We, we..." I didn't know how to explain what just happened.
Sky took over "I flew and she controlled the rain from hitting us!"
She did look surprised but she wasn't fainting or questioning us. She was a little too calm.
"Come I have to show you something." She pointed inside.

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