radiator time.

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Tw: graphic depictions of violence, animal cruelty (kind of) and injury I guess, mentions of hoarding and animal hoarding, generally not fun to read

So one time when I was like 9 years old I was staying the weekend at Dale (bio dad) girlfriends house at the time. Her name was Jasmine she was kind of chill.

Anyways so Jasmine lived with her father and what I think was her stepmother but the Stepmom kind of looked the same age as Jasmine so I'm not really sure.

So Jasmine is the mom of my half-brother zayden. So one day, but not just any old day it was fucking Father's Day. Anyway so Jasmine and her father decided to get in a really big fucking argument about my brother and me and Jasmine's brother's kid's toys that were in the living room.

Didn't fucking use this living room by the way they were Hoarders so they just have shit everywhere. They were also animal Hoarders.

So they're having a full-on screaming match about the toys in the living room while I'm trying to play with Lincoln logs which that's convenient for me. So Jasmine is holding my brother and she's standing above a radiator.

There's a radiator was slightly defective and that he's up really really intensely and it burned you if you touched it. There wasn't like a safety thing on it or anything it would just burn you.

And Jasmine's dad is yelling at her and stuff and so obviously my brother is crying his eyes out because he's like two at the time maybe one.

So they had this dog I can't remember the name of the dog for the life of me. But anyway this is a super sweet dog like she fucking loved kids and specifically me and my brother. She was really overprotective of us so when she saw my brother crying she got mad at Jasmine's dad and then bit him.

So obviously Jasmine's dad screams in pain and then starts going on a whole rant about how he's going to shoot the dog.

While this is happening my brother gets dropped on the fucking radiator and then like pick back up and then brought into the bedroom and they locked the door. Effectively locking me and dale out of the bedroom. So obviously Dale trying to be a decent man decides to take me to a park I guess.

So as we're going it to get into the car (which I'm pretty sure was stolen by the way) to go to the park I just hear Jasmine's dad screaming shit like

"I'm going to grab a rifle and fucking shoot that dog" and " [insert Jasmine's brother's name because I don't remember it] come get your fucking dog before I shoot it"

So obviously the brother dude is like "whoa holy fuck I probably should get my dog out of here"

And then he drove to his friend's house with the dog and I don't think I ever saw that dog again. So I think they just had it stay at the friend's house.

And then me and dale went to the park and then it started raining and we hung out by a river and collected shiny rocks.

{Thank you for reading this horrific trauma dump post}

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