Stalked By My Ex

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Jaden Carter sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes swollen and red from crying

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Jaden Carter sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes swollen and red from crying. Belinda, her best friend, handed her a steaming mug of tea and sat down beside her. The rain beat against the windowpanes, the wind howling through the trees outside, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

"Don't worry, Jaden. We'll get through this together," Belinda said, placing a comforting arm around her. "Silas won't bother you anymore. You're safe here."

As if on cue, Jaden's phone buzzed, and she reluctantly picked it up. Her face paled as she read the message...

*You think you can run, Jaden? I'll find you. And when I do, I'll kill you both.*

"Who is it?" Belinda asked, concern etched in her features.

"It''s Silas," Jaden whispered, her voice shaking. "He knows I'm here."

Another message appeared, and Jaden read it aloud...

*You think I'm just a man? I'm something else entirely. You'll see, Jaden.*

"What does that even mean?" Belinda asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Jaden didn't answer, her body trembling with fear. Outside, the wind picked up, and an ominous growl echoed through the house. The two women exchanged a terrified glance.

"Did you hear that?" Belinda whispered.

Jaden nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. They tiptoed to the window, peering out into the darkness. The storm raged on, and they could barely make out a hulking, wolf-like figure prowling around the edge of the yard. Its eyes glinted with a malevolent intelligence that sent shivers down their spines.

"It can't be..." Jaden breathed, her hand gripping Belinda's arm. "Silas couldn't possibly be..."

The creature suddenly charged towards the house, slamming into the front door with a deafening crash. The women screamed, backing away from the window.

"Belinda, we need to get out of here! It's coming for us!" Jaden cried.

They raced down the hallway, searching for an escape route. As they made their way to the back door, they could hear the beast tearing through the house, its growls growing louder and more menacing. They fumbled with the lock, their fingers shaking with terror.

Another crash echoed through the house, and they knew the creature had broken in. The back door finally swung open, and they sprinted out into the rain, their bare feet sinking into the mud. The monstrous wolf gave chase, its eyes locked on them as it closed in. Jaden and Belinda stumbled into the woods, their breaths ragged, their legs aching. The storm's fury seemed to fuel the beast's relentless pursuit. They could feel its hot breath on their heels as it snarled and snapped at them.

"We can't outrun it!" Belinda shouted, tears streaming down her face.

Jaden's eyes darted around the forest, desperate for any advantage. She spotted a fallen tree, its thick branches providing a potential barrier.

"Over there! We can try to climb it and get away from this thing!"

They scrambled up the slick trunk, gasping for breath as the beast lunged at them, its massive claws inches from their feet. The women clung to the tree, their hearts pounding, as the creature snarled and paced below them.

"What do we do now?" Belinda whispered, her voice trembling. Jaden's eyes darted around, searching for an answer.

"We wait. It can't stay here forever. We'll wait it out."

As the night wore on, the storm slowly subsided, and the monstrous wolf's pacing grew more agitated. Its eerie howls echoed through the forest, a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked below. Jaden and Belinda huddled together, their bodies shivering from cold and fear. They whispered comforting words to each other, trying to cling to the hope that they would make it through the night.

As the first light of dawn began to break through the darkness, the beast's growls grew more desperate. It clawed at the base of the tree, snarling with frustration. Suddenly, the creature stopped and tilted its head back, letting out a mournful howl. It seemed to shrink before their eyes, its body convulsing as it transformed. The women watched in disbelief as the monstrous wolf shrank and contorted, its fur receding and limbs shifting until, at last, it became a man. Silas stood before them, naked and shivering, his eyes filled with hatred and despair.

"See, Jaden?" he growled, his voice hoarse. "I'm not human. I'm a monster, and I'll always be one."

Jaden stared at him, her heart aching with pity and terror. "You don't have to be, Silas. You can choose to be better."

Silas shook his head, his eyes welling up with tears. "I can't escape what I am, Jaden. But you can."

With that, he turned and staggered into the woods, disappearing from sight. Jaden and Belinda remained in the tree, their bodies shaking and their minds reeling from the night's horrors. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, they finally dared to descend, their legs weak and unsteady.

Arm in arm, the two women made their way back to the house, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of what had transpired. They knew their lives would never be the same, but they also knew they had each other. Together, they would face whatever lay ahead, bound by their love and the shared experience of a night they would never forget.

 Together, they would face whatever lay ahead, bound by their love and the shared experience of a night they would never forget

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