When The Lights Go Out

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Brenda and Dana were nestled on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between them, their eyes glued to the television screen

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Brenda and Dana were nestled on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between them, their eyes glued to the television screen. They had been eagerly anticipating this movie night for weeks, a much-needed break from their hectic lives. The suspenseful music grew louder, and just as the protagonist was about to make a life-altering decision, the screen went black.

"What the...?" Brenda muttered, looking around the room in confusion.

Dana grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight. "Must be a power cut," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "Let's check outside and see if it's just our house."

As they peered out the window, they saw that the entire street had been plunged into darkness. Even the streetlights had gone out. The moon cast an eerie glow over the neighborhood, giving everything an otherworldly appearance.

"Weird," Dana whispered. "But it's probably just a power outage, right?"

"Yeah, it must be," Brenda agreed, trying to sound confident. "We should just wait it out."

Hours ticked by, and the darkness remained. Their phones were their only source of light, and they clung to them like lifelines. At first, they tried to distract themselves with conversation, but the oppressive darkness seemed to swallow their words.

As midnight approached, they started to hear strange sounds outside. Scratching, scuttling noises that made the hairs on their arms stand on end. They huddled together on the couch, their hearts pounding.

"Did you hear that?" Dana whispered, her voice shaking.

"I-I did," Brenda stammered. "But it's probably just some animals, right? Raccoons or something?"

"Yeah, maybe," Dana replied, unconvinced. They sat in silence, straining their ears for any other sounds.

It wasn't long before they caught glimpses of something outside the window. Creatures – or so it seemed – with elongated limbs and unnaturally twisted bodies. The sight was fleeting, but it was enough to send chills down their spines.

"Brenda, did you see that?" Dana asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"I did," Brenda replied, her voice quivering. "But what... what are they?"

"I don't know. But they're not... normal," Dana said, her grip tightening on her phone.

As the night wore on, the creatures outside grew bolder. They circled the house, their inhuman cries piercing the darkness. Brenda and Dana clung to each other, fear gripping their hearts like a vice.

"They're not going away, are they?" Dana asked, tears streaming down her face.

"It doesn't look like it," Brenda whispered, her voice cracking. "We need to do something."

"But what?" Dana sobbed. "We're trapped in here."

"We wait for dawn," Brenda said, trying to sound brave. "When the sun comes up, maybe they'll go away."

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