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No matter how many or how different these women were, he could not sleep with them without thinking of his wife. Like the one right now, she was absolute beautiful, hips, thighs and a voice that could weaken a grown man's knees but she wasn't his wife, she couldn't make him want her, to make him see her the way he saw his wife. Her rubbing her chest against his groin couldn't even give him a boner.

He blamed his wife for this and he kept trying to find new addictions and new ways to escape her but no, his wife wouldn't leave and haunted his conscious. What more did he have to do, how many more women would he have to sleep with, how much more beers would he have to drown himself in, he was tired of all of this and thoughts preyed his mind to just end his life there and then but his wife would never let him do that no she'd be furious infact.

"Do you want to try a new position?" the women asked "Sure" he said and the woman pushed him down on his bed and began riding him with effort. He tried to get into it by rubbing and suckling her breasts, it must have not been convincing because she stopped "The hell is wrong with you? Yesterday you couldn't get enough of me but today you can't even get hard" because yesterday I was drunk enough to think that you were my wife he thought "I'm just suffering from a hangover and I'm tired from yesterday" which wasn't technically a lie "fine call me when you better, I'm going find someone else who can actually get hard" said the woman and with that she got up, dressed up and left. He didn't have the energy to dress so he just laid there.

He got out of bed and took a walk around his estate until he reached a great oak tree. He leaned against and started crying. "happy anniversary my love. I wish for you everyday"

he took a nap under the tree that he and his wife had first planted years ago. He was woken up by a rattle in the bush, it didn't frighten him rather it annoyed him. "I know it's you" he spoke out in the dark. A tall slender figure come out of the bush "I was hoping for once I'd manage to surprise you "it was his old friend Funani. Senzangakhona mood brighten when he saw a familiar face. "I brought you something" Funani gave him clay jar that had beer made from sorghum.

"Much appreciated, though knowing you I can't accept it without knowing its price"

"It's been years Senza, it is what I say it is...a gift" Senzagakhona glared at Funani, he knew better than to accept it but he still took it as his thirst had overpowered him. Funani took a seat next to him

"You never came back, I had wondered if you had found some place better than the capital but it appears that 'better' is this. How far have you fallen?" Funani's words had struck a nerve and had caused an awkward silence between them

"do you blame me? That place has a history that I wanted to move on from"

"No I don't blame you but I do hold you accountable. You abandoned me and didn't even say goodbye. Your actions were hurtful" Funani spoke quite bluntly

"And I suppose you expect a sorry from me?"

Funani chuckled "No, a sorry would mean nothing coming from you"

"Then what is it?"

"I want you to be great again, to be the man that you once were"

"I'm not going back, I moved to the country side for a reason"

"I'm not asking you to come back, I ask you to help with one last project and that project isn't here...it's out there" Funani pointed out into the sea. Senzangakhona was confused and just stared blankly at him

"There is a whole world out there that has been discovered. I want you on the expedition team, we all know that you the best strategist out there"

"And why would I want to do that"

"I know you Senza, you are not meant for this kind of life. You are a man of action not a drunkard sex addict. We have a purpose for greatness. I cannot do this without you my friend just like I could have not built the empire without you. I ask of you this one thing and nothing more" Fuanni tried to convince Senzangakhona.

"I make no promise to you but I will think of your words" Funani sighed in relief

"That is start and I'm willing to work with that" They exchanged a few more words before Funani went on his way and disappeared into the night.

Senzangkhona trudged all the way to his bedroom and threw himself on the bed and started to think. He realized how horrid his life was and how aimless it was. Did he really want to continue like this? Doing the same thing every day until he would join his wife in the afterlife? These were the questions that kept him up all night and not sleeping for a week straight. After a long time he had finally made his choice...

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