CHAPTER FIVE : The journey begins

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"you know we truly did mean what we said when you were the finally piece we did for this project" spoke Thulani, one of the few members of Funani's inner circle and overseer of the 'project'. 

Him and Senzanngakhona were standing of the shores on an area that is specifically banned to the public and Senzangakhona learnt why .Here were inventions first of their kind, "I call metal water snakes but you can call them whatever you want" smiled Thulani 

"Now these bad boys are designed to travel on water for long periods of time, this is what you will be traveling on until you reach your 'final destination' . I have pulled in two separate teams , one team that will be in charge of the maintenance and making sure everything runs smoothly and the other team is the team that you take with you on the rest of your journey. That team is currently waiting to be acquainted with you on the inside" Thulani motioned for Senzangakhona to get into this huge metal and wood made invention. At first Senzangkhona was a bit put off by this new environment and felt like a fish out water but he quickly remember himself that he was a master strategist and on of the most important things to have as a strategist is the ability to adapt to anything that is new and unexpected.

Senzangakhona was quickly introduced to his team , a  cartographer, a family doctor, a geologist , mineralogist , zoologist , demolition expect , a trained nature explorist , an inventor/mechanic/engineer a military rank , a linguistic , and a psychologist  

He shook hands with all of them and exchanged pleasantries with all of them. He made sure to memorize all they faces and study them well for he was going to be with them for a very long time.

Once that was done , Senzangakhona left and then came back a week later now packed. He aboard the metal water snake and turned around to give one final nod to Funani who stood far away on the beach before entering. 

He stood on the deck and watched mindlessly as the sails blew. He was deep in thought already coming up with plans for when they reach their destination. Thulani interrupted his trail of thought "You know it truly is quite an honor to be in your presence, I have heard much about you ,all legendary things"

Senzangakhona didn't respond, he wanted to know what was Thulani's game ,that he was trying so hard to suck up to him, Thulani must have read his mind because he responded with "I am not trying to play a game of mind chase , I am just truly a fan of yours. I aim to be like you one day"

Senzangakhona looked at him "I suggest you aim for something better than becoming like me...that would be mistake" Senzangakhona spoke a few cold words and walked away going straight to his room that was above deck. 

In the dimly lit chamber, shadows danced across the walls like specters haunting the night. Senzangakhona sat alone in front of his desk, his usually composed demeanor crumbled away by the weight of his decision that now bore down upon him like an unyielding burden. His hands clenched into fists. He mulled over the idea "I hope this truly is what I need to get my life back, to have purpose again and to stop living behind the shadow of death my love because other wise I might just join you in the after life..." 


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