Pink fluffy unicorns pt. idk

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My Minecraft world isn't loading.. HELP

This story contains:
Douma and Akaza aren't
dating in this one
Fluff I think..
And uh idk

Akaza has been sort of ignoring Douma for the past two months due to missions and stress. Of course this wasn't intentional but it stressed out the blonde since he thought it meant that Akaza didn't want to be around him anymore.

Douma's pov:

I can't take it anymore! Akaza has been ignoring me for the past two months! Was it something I did or is he just distancing himself just because? Either way I'm too stressed out about it. I was walking around in the woods until I reached a certain spot in it. I gasped at the sight Akaza was there sitting in the space that was surrounded by trees in the middle was a pond with roses perfectly scattered around.  I quietly walked towards him and took a seat next to him. I saw him tense up a bit probably because he was startled then he calmed down realizing it was me. I took his hand into mine I could tell he enjoyed my company I gently smiled while a blush crept up onto my cheeks. "So why are you here?" Akaza said turning to me "Well I got worried about you since you've kinda been ignoring me for the past two months" I explained he hummed in response leaning his head on my shoulder. "Were you really that worried about me that you had to come find me?" Akaza mumbled I was dazed by him everything about him was perfect. "I guess you could say that" I said happily holding his hand a bit tighter than before I heard a small laugh come from him. "Your laugh is nice Akaza" I commented I saw him turn red from the comment "You know you're not as bad as I thought you were"

Meow meow uwu pwkqkshdosjwkdbskjwisbs
Panda Express

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