chapter 6

843 14 4

(Oh. My. God!! Thank you all for reading my wattpad!! Like I'm over 1k views thank you guys sooo freak much I didn't think people would read my shit I love you all!! And I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot I'll try to post more often Hope you enjoy )

Warning ∆ some cursing ∆

( Enjoy my little gays )



Y/n's POV

"Oh fuck" I said hoping it wasn't esdeath my heart started racing and many thoughts started rushing to my head

' maybe she her to kill my for not listening to her or she's here to take my to her house fuck fuck FUCK '

" W-Who is it? " I said praying it wasn't esdeath

[???] " Pizza delivery! "

Pizza? I didn't order pizza?

" Uh sorry but I didn't order any pizza, you must have the wrong address "

I said on the other side of the door



[Leone] " It's just me y/n I'm just pulling your leg"


[Leone] " Yeah in the mother fucking flesh, I want you to meet someone "


[Leone] to help you with your esdeath problem du! "

"Come on say hello " I heard Leone say behind the door

" H-hello I-Im Sheele "

" Uhh give me a sec to open the door "

I open the door

[Leone] " oh my y/n~ "

"Wha? "

"Oh fuc-!!" I said slamming the door in there face

" I'm sooo sorry I forgot I was in a towel!! Give me a minute to change I'll be right back"

"You guys can come in tho the door is unlocked "

[Leone] "Oh thanks come on Sheele"

"You guys can take a site on the couch give me two minutes and I'll be done"

[Leone] " sure take your time we have all day isn't that right Sheele? "

[Sheele] " yeah w-we have a-all day s-so take your time "

"Thanks but I'll be done in two minutes tops!"


Four minutes later


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