chapter 12 (finale)

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[William] " oooh~ have fun you two~ " William then walks away leave me alone with esdeath

[Esdeath] " y/n "

" I don't want to hear it esdeath"

[Esdeath] "well to fucking bad your going to hear what I'm going to say "

" No I'm tired of your bullshit  I'm done with you and Seryu "

[Esdeath] " what does she have to do with anything "

" I know you still sleep with her "

[Esdeath] " that's bullshit "

" Why!? Because I'm telling the truth "

[Esdeath] " no it's bullshit because your talking nonsense "

" Fuck off "

[Esdeath]"I don't fucking like your attitude y/n"

" So? All you do like is my body "

[Esdeath] " stop acting like a brat "

" Why!? What you gonna do about it mhmm? Punish me? "

[Esdeath] " y/n "

"No fuck this and you " I said walking away from her while she just stud there pissed as hell



As I walk around I saw my mother and father walk into a  room together

"Mhmm? "

I then started to follow then
But as I got near the door

Someone pulled me away

"Huh!? "

[William] " shh we need to talk "

"Oh ... Ok? "

As William pulls me towards a empty room he finally let's go of my hand

And turns to face me

" So what is this about? "

[William] " it's about mother and father"

"I also have some to say"

[William] " me first"


[William] "well..."



After my talk with William I stayed by his side the whole evening

After a few hours I went home to get some rest but half way through the drive home I noticed some was following me

"Who the hell is that?"

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