[easter special] chapter 8

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( ok now this one is actually going to be short soo yeah

But hopefully y'all enjoy it and happy Easter!
Once again enjoy my very gay writing <3

I almost forgot to say that this is in the past so you and esdeath  are still a thing)



( You look very beautiful today btw )



Y/n's Pov

"Hey honey"

[Esdeath] " yes my love?"she says still looking at her computer screen working on the same thing she did this afternoon

" I got to go "

[Esdeath] " now where do you think your going at this time on easter eve "

(Idk if easter eve is a thing so just roll with it)

" I'm going to go get ... things?"

[Esdeath] " what type of things? "

" Fun things? "

[Esdeath] " oh~ you mean toys~ ""

" Yeah! Toys "

Esdeath's eyes then darken and you can see the most evil grin on her face


[Esdeath] " What? I'm tired of using my fingers and mouth " she says as her grin drops to her normal soft frown

"Ugh Well  I'm getting this toys for my nephew ok! "

[Esdeath] " no need to be rude ok, anyways which one? "

" Uh- the small one  "

[Esdeath] " ok let's go then " she says getting up and go to her closet  to grab a jacket

"No it's fine, finish your work, I'll go by myself it's nothing new anyway" you said practically whispering the last part

[Esdeath] " what was that? Hun "

" Nothing! Let's go "

[Esdeath] "mhmm "

After you and esdeath got to the toy store you looked around for the perfect toy for your nephew

After you and esdeath got to the toy store you looked around for the perfect toy for your nephew

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"Perfect "

[Esdeath] " that's not perfect. Let's me find one for you- "

"No-one asked"

[Esdeath] " excuse me?! "

" What!? I mean- "

[Esdeath] "what is your problem today? "


[Esdeath] " no will talk about when we get home"

After you bought the bunny toy you got in the car and drove home in silence

You got home and the minute you walked in esdeath pulled you over to the couch and positioned you to sit on her lap

[Esdeath] " now why are you being so obnoxious today mhmm? "

" I'm not " I said in a annoyed tone

[Esdeath] " don't give me attitude "

" Whatever "

[Esdeath] "what did I say about attitude y/n"

"Uh-.. sorry "

[Esdeath] " Good girl, now tell me what's wrong so I can help you"

" .."

[Esdeath] " answer  me princess"

"You- you've been ignoring me the whole day today "

[Esdeath] " I was busy with work angel "

" But you work all the time and never spend time with me! It's- it's like your dating your work and not ME! "

[Esdeath] " ... "

"You only stop working when you need to use the bathroom!! You don't sleep or eat any more!! "

" And now I feel selfish "

[Esdeath] " oh honey~ you could've told me I would stop working immediately "

" No- no I- i "

[Esdeath] " shhh shhh it's fine ok? I'm right here "

" I- I'm sorry it's- it's my fault "

[Esdeath] " no it's not your fault I should made more time for you "


[Esdeath] " how about we watch a movie and order pizza mhmmm? "

" Can- can we cuddle as well "

[Esdeath] " of course my love anything you want I promise "

"Th-thanks I love you

[Esdeath] "  I love you more than you will ever know "

After your talk with esdeath, you got ready and esdeath ordered some pizza and you two started watched a movie while cuddling the whole night till you both fell asleep in each others arms







( That's all fokes thanks for reading  hope y'all enjoyed have a great day and happy Easter everyone!! <3  )

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