chapter 11 (finale pt2)

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I slowly walk towards her while trying to think of what the hell she wanted with me

But she then noticed me and smiled then she started to run up to me And then she hugged me like we were friends

I didn't like that she was touching me

In fact I hated the fact she was touching me

I hated her
With a burning passion

But I had to act like I didn't for her not to get the satisfaction of seeing me upset


Not again

[Seryu] " HIII long time no see "

" Hey.."

[Seryu] " what's with the tone not happy to see me? "

' of course I'm not happy to see you bitch' I thought

" No no it's uhh nice? To see you again! "

[Seryu] " your not still mad about that time aren't you"

" ..."

'what do you think! Asshole ' I thought

[Seryu] "oh! That's great news because I slept with esdeath again~ "


[Seryu] " yeah she said that I was better than you in soooo many ways~ "

[Seryu] "especially in bed~"

I was getting pissed off every time she opened her loud ass mouth

" ..."

[Seryu] " I'm not here to talk about that "

" So what are you here for?"

[Seryu] " to tell you I'm sorry for your loss " she said in a fake sad Tone

" What?"

[Seryu] " your friend what's her face with the glasses "

" She's not dead and how did you know about her..."

[Seryu] " fuck I should have ran her over " she whispered

"What!? "

[Seryu] " oh fuck it yes I was the one who almost killed your friend what you gonna do about it "

" You pice of shi- " I didn't even finish my sentence before I tackled her and started to pull her hair

I then started to punch her while pulling on her hair

And she was also pulling my hair


I stayed silent while still pulling her hair and hitting her as hard as I could

I then started to hit her face until she was bruised

All I could do was hit her I was so in raged
That I could say a single word

Until some one pulled me off of her as I turned to see that it was Mimi

[Mimi] " fuck y/n stop!"

I then immediately snapped back to reality and saw my hands cover with blood ... Seryu blood

It was disgusting her blood all over my hands I felt like I wanted to throw up by the sight of what I have just done

[Mimi] " why the fuck are you beating this girl up the fuck!? "

" She- she- " I couldn't say anything all that came out was a sob

I held on tightly onto Mimi and hugged her while I silently sobbing

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