Chapter 2 - park !!

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Mari pov

Me and hero were in the back of the 3 kids, Aubrey and Kel are bickering while sunny silently watches them bicker
Are they usually like this
I wonder to myself

I look over at hero, I been noticed he been stealing glances, what does this brother stealer want from me ?!

"You know I can notice you stealing glances from me right ?" I say a bit in a cold but yet teasing demeanor
"Huh ? You can ?! Oh my gosh I'm not a pervert I swear !" Hero says flustered
I giggle in response
"You're funny hero !" I say hating to admit it
"You really think I'm funny ? I'm not going to lie I thought you hated me !" Hero says
I was a bit surprised that he said that
"What makes you think that ??" I ask
"Well I would hate me If my brother said he prefers someone else over you.."
"I don't hate you, I'm guess I'm a bit jealous" I admit but I giggle a little
"I got to admit, I'm a bit jealous of you, the kids switched up real fast when another person joined" hero says laughing a bit afterwards
I giggle
"I guess we're just two people who are kind of jealous of each other !" I say
"Yeah I guess !"
Our laughing session calm down and all we can hear is the wind and the two children in front of us bickering
Hero smiles at me
And I smile back my hatred for him is slowly disappearing ?
What is he doing..

"So do you have a boyfriend ?" He asks with a charming tone
I guess that was my snap back to reality
"Excuse me ?!" I ask sounding maybe a bit offended
"Huh no ! Not in a weird way..I'm sorry"
I giggle in his lack of confidence
"I'm ?" I ask smiling
"Single also.." he says a bit nervously
Aubrey overhears our conversation and pushes Kel out of the way and stops our path
"Both single ?! It's a match make in heaven !" She says, her eyes sparkling a little
"Uh oh.." I say under my breath
Hero is Frozen not knowing what to really say
"Do you guys know what this means !!" She says with a squeak
"Uh no ?" Hero says confused
"You guys need to get married !!" She says ecstatic
What did I get myself in to..

Sunny notices our conversation and rushes over
"No my sister can't marry hero ! He's like a big brother to me ! It would make things awkward !" He complained

I giggle at my little brother
"I'm not actually going to marry him Sunny, that would be a bit impossible because of our age and-" I get cut off by Aubrey
"Come on let's just hurry to the park so you guys can get married !!" Aubrey says before running off and hurrying to the park

"Hey wait !" Hero says taking my hand and rushing to catch up with Aubrey

Butterflies attack my stomach and filling it up and making it flutter, the way he just grabs my hand without care it's kind of cute ??
I wonder to myself

We finally catch up with Aubrey
The two other children managing to catch up with us also
Me and hero are still holding hands while trying to catch our breath

Huff huff

"Eek !! You guys are already holding hands how cute !" Aubrey says totally fangirling
"Eh ?!" I say blushing and immediately letting go of his hand
"I'm so sorry mari I didn't mean to-" hero says before I cut him off
"No it's fine just a little embarrassing.." I say a bit flustered
"Oooh Hero Likes mari !! Hero Likes mari !!" Kel teases
Me and hero stay silent, blush all over our face by being tease by the two younger children only Sunny who was the only kid not teasing but instead watching with aw

"Mari ! I'll be your maid of honor ! I believe most sisters are the bride maid of honor !" She says
"Are we sure we should do this marriage ??" I ask
"Oh I'm positive you guys are a match make in heaven !" Aubrey says with a twinkle in her eye
"Oh gosh..." Hero says under his breath
"Don't be nervy big bro ! You know mari ! This isn't like your first interaction with her remember in your diary you wrote-" kel says before getting interrupted by hero
"Kel !! You read my journal ?! That's private Kel !" Hero lectures Kel
"Im sorry Hero ! But remember in your journal you wrote about you and-"
"Kel !! Shes right here !" Hero says extremely embarrassing and flustered
"Ooh you talk about me in your journal ?" I giggle

I know about hero, but we never personally talk, I just know him being friends with my younger brother and him being in one of my classes nothing ever extremely personal...maybe we got paired for a project before but I don't remember it..

"Kel is just saying that to tease ! Right Kel !" Hero says nervously
"Ugh we have to get this wedding moving !! Chomp chomp people !! Kel and Sunny you get the groom ready and I'll get our lovely bride ready !! Lets go lets go !" Aubrey says with a bit of sass and Kel rolls his eyes
"Yes sir.." he says with no enthusiasm
"It's ma'am to you !"
"Whatever !"
Kel grabs hero and sunny hand and lead them to the opposite side of the park and Aubrey is with me and an area with a bunch of tiny flowers
"You came in luck because I know to make the best flower bracelet !" Aubrey brags
"Well guess I'm in luck then !" I say giggling a bit
Aubrey gets to work making a flower bracelet then she puts it on my wrist and smile
"Hmm you're missing something..." Aubrey says
"You need a flower in your hair duh !! How could I forget that's the finishing touch !!"
Aubrey hand picks a flower and puts it in my hair
"So perfect !! Eek you look awesome mari !!" Aubrey says with glee
"Thank you Aubrey ! You're so kind !" I say

"I'm going to go get the others, I'll be right back !"
Aubrey hurries to the other side of the park to go get the three boys

They meet over with me, when I see hero
And i begin to feel butterflies in my stomach and my face bright up red

His hair is more neatly done and he doesn't look as messy as he was before, he's more neat and taken care of

"You look really pretty mari.." Hero says quietly
My heart beats fast
"Thank you.."

"Come on guys ! Let's get this ready started !!"
Aubrey and the other kids don't know how marriage is actually set so they just skip to the i do, Aubrey is the brides maid, kel is the priest and Sunny is the best man

"So dearest hero do you take mari as your wonderful wife ?" Kel asks
"I do I guess.."
"And dearest mari do you take hero as your wonderful husband ?" Kel asks
"I do I suppose.."
"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride !!"

Me and hero are frozen
Our cheeks being really red
"Eh ?!" Hero say
"Can we Hug instead ?" I ask
"Nope, it has to be a kiss !!" Aubrey says
Me and hero are still standing there embarrassed and flustered

"Can I-" I get cut off before I can ask my question
"It has to be a kiss on the lips !!" Kel says
"Oh dear.." I mumble
Me and hero lock eyes
"I guess we have to do this" I say giggling
"Are you sure ? I mean-"
I put my finger on top of his lips to shush him up
"We can make this quick..." I whisper to him

I lean in closer a bit unknowing of what I'm doing since I never really kissed anyone before
I put my hand down and wrap it around him and gives him a soft and gentle kiss
Aubrey is cheering
Kel is Fake gagging
"Eww so gross !" Kel says
My brother also joins in on the fake gagging
"Ew nasty !!"
"You two shut up, its so romantic !!" Aubrey says
Me and hero break the kiss and I notice my lipstick stained his lips

I giggle
"Is this game done yet !" I ask while laughing
"Yeah is It done ? Hopefully no more kissing.." hero says
"Aww am i a bad kisser ?" I tease him
"Huh ?! No ! Well I don't know !!" He says flustered
"Wait we need to plan your honey moon"
Me and hero both sigh

A/n : I am on a roll with this !! Woohoo !! Hope u guys liked this chapter !! :)
(Date : 3/20/23) time : 7:10pm
Words count : 1460 words

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