Chapter 6 - he's disgustingly on my mind

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Mari pov


I hurriedly pack up my stuff, making sure to stack my chair onto my desk also.

I say goodbye to my friends as I hurriedly try to run to the near by elementary school

I make it Just in time to pick sunny up..

"Hey Sunny how was your da-"
Before I can even finish my sentence I feel a tug on my clothing.

"Hey mari !! Remember me it's Aubrey !!" The girl exclaims
"Of course she doesn't remember you ! But you remember me right, it's me Kel !" The tan boy exclaims he looks a lot like..
"Hey mari !"
"Hey henry.." I say glaring at him
Why is he every where ?! Seriously it's sickening at this point..

"Look like the kids remember you ! Wanna walk with us, I bet Sunny would like it ?" Hero says in his charming and kind voice
" ! I mean it's up to sunny !" I say, trying to keep my cool.
"I want to hang out.. with them.. can we mari ?" Sunny asks in his usually shy and timid voice I have to forcefully hang out with Henry..

"Of course sunny ! I know you'll have an amazing time with them !" I say in my usual upbeat tone
I don't have a problem with the kids, Aubrey and Kel are absolutely adorable ! But Henry is the main issue..everything about him is perfect..I mean what am I thinking ?! I mean he's just a walking ick.. I think to myself.

"Yay !!! Thanks mari you're the best !" Sunny says happily as he hugs me before joining the friend group
"So mari do you want to join us ?"
Henry gives me a charming smile as he leans in, putting his hand out for me
"Please mari, come on walk with us !" Kel suggests trying to persuade me
"Aww I can't say no to you Kel !"
I smile as I ruffle Kels hair, kel is truly a cutie patootie, I can't say no..
"YAYY !! Mari coming !!" Aubrey says happily as she grabs my hand, making Hero Hand empty handed..
"Okay then.." he mumbles under his breath

As Aubrey holds my hand she drags me in front of the whole group making us lead the way..

"So what do you guys usually do when you guys hang out ?"
I question the young girl with curiosity

"Umm we go to the park or we go to Gino's ! Or both ! But I think hero is too tired to do both.."
She says while looking back at Henry

"Oh well we can always do one and do another one the next day ! We can't just always do all of the fun things in one day ! Sometimes you need to break it up a bit !"
Ugh I sound probably so stupid right now.. it's way better to do all of the fun things in one day ! Breaking it up sucks majorly I think to myself as Aubrey puts on some weird thinking face
"You're so Right mari ! If we split them up the more fun we can have ! You're so smart mari !"
Aubrey gives me a side hug..sometimes I wish I had an actual little sister, Aubrey kind of looks like me, maybe I can tell people we're sisters ! No that's immature..

"Haha ! Thanks Aubrey, you're so kind !"
I pat the top of her head very gently though so I don't mess up her hair, which is so oddly perfect ? This girl takes a lot of good care of her hair!

"I choose we go to Gino's ! I'm so hungryy and it'll be nice !!" Aubrey begs the rest of the group to agree to go to Gino's

"Wha !! Ginos again ? Lets go to the park !" Kel complains, he always disagrees with Aubrey though

"Kel we can go another time, I actually really want Gino's, the school lunch today wasn't that good" henry lets out a slight groan, his stomach basically begging for anything than that quote on quote meat lunch..

"Sunny what do you think we should do, should we go to Gino's or the park ?" Aubrey asks Sunny, who seems not to be paying attention
"Huh, what are we talking about ??" The clueless boy asks, confused about quite literally everything..

"We're deciding if we want to go to Gino's or the park ? Where do you want to go Sunny ?" I say while rolling my eyes but still managing to keep my gentle tone

"Ooh Gino's definitely ! I love their food !"
He says happily, breaking out of his normal shy tone

"Ha !! All of us want Gino's ! Hahaha ! Kel didn't get what he wants !"
Aubrey sticks her tongue out, teasing and making fun of the poor boy..

"Hey !! Mari didnt Pick yet ! Mari what do you want to do ?" Kel says hoping I say the park..

"Sorry kel, i agree with everyone else, Gino's do seem more tempting than the park !" I shrug, kel letting out a groan

"Ugh fine ! Gino's it is.."

"HAHA ! You suck kel !" Aubrey says sticking out her tongue once again and heading the way to Gino's mari and the rest of them quickly following the speedy girl.

"Aubrey ! You're so fast ! Are you that excited to go to Gino's ? What's so special here ?" I ask curiously
"The food is so yummy ! I can't help but be excited ! Their food is way better than any food I have ever had in my life ! I can't help but to be happy to eat here !" She shouts happily
"I don't know Aubrey, their food is kind of ehhh"
Kel says while catching up to her, putting his arm around her shoulders
"Ugh shut up Kel ! You just don't know what good food is ! You think pineapple on pizza is good !" Aubrey says while rolling her eyes and shrugging Kel arm off of her
"Hey I do know good food ! Like hero cooks amazing food ! You just got to try it !"
He says trying to stand his guard
"Henry cooks ?" I say thinking out loud

"Duh !! His cooking is the best ! You need to try It sometimes ! Trust !" Kel says happily
"Whatever..his cooking is alright ! But Gino's is much better !" Aubrey says as she skips to Gino's front doors and quickly opens it

"Ouch aubrey ! My cooking is made from love ! I see how it is !" Hero says, clinching his heart as he dramatically acts hurt
"Maybe I need to try it sometimes ! I'll be the judge of its good or not !"

A/n: yay this chapter is finally done !! After months..i know its short but I wanna make another separate chapter for their experience at Gino's !! I'm gonna try to keep it on track ! Next time i won't be taking months to launch just one chapter
Date: 7/12/23 time: 3:36pm
Word count: 1134 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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