5. Operation Destroy Bieber?

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August 8

Ken's Office, 3:00 am

"Jesus, Ken, couldn't you let me sleep?!" I sleepily yawned as I sat down in his office chair. "Christ, it's 3 am for gods sake!"

"Sorry, Lola," Ken walked in, holding two coffees. No matter how hard I tried to get him to use my code name Delilah, he would always forget the next time we meet. "Here, grab a coffee from Starbucks."

I took it from his hand and drank a sip. "Now, can you tell me why you called me so early here?"

"I would, but you're sitting in my chair," he glared at me.

"Ken. I am not a happy person to mess with in the morning," I glared back at him. "Especially if it's 3 o'clock in the morning," I added.

"Sorry, sorry," he raised his hands up in defence. "Anyways, you remember that today is the day that you are to be at the Marmalade Café, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Did you call me here to tell me that? Of course I remember!"

"Good, I just wanted to remind you. Anyways," he waved his hand and his robotic secretary, Joanne, wheeled over. "Joanne, please throw this away," he handed his robot the empty coffee cup, and she wheeled away. Ken wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before continuing: "I've researched into the pepper spray attack a few days ago, and I found that the man–his name is Paul, by the way–who had attacked Justin is somehow linked to this secret group."

"What secret group?" I sat up in his seat, interested. Now this is what I'd wake up at 3 am for.

"Paul told us a lot of information but now he won't reveal anything more. He has revealed that the boss goes by the name 'Drake', and that Josh Laine and Akile Brooke, who used to work with Justin, are both in fact a part of this group. He didn't say anything else though," Ken said.

I scratched my chin thoughtfully. "Drake..." I wondered who the boss really was. "I don't know about you, Ken, but I have a feeling that Joshie and Akile aren't the only ones that are probably in that group," I furrowed my eyebrows, remembering that when Justin was attacked by Paul, a lot of the security guards weren't present.

"That is precisely what I think," Ken agreed. "So, Lola, you better be careful when you spy on them today at the Marmalade Café."

"You bet I will," I stood up confidently. "Now, I must leave, for my bed awaits me."

August 8

Marmalade Café, 11:00 am

I was on high alert as I pretended to be a waitress. I had to wear someone else's Marmalade Café uniform, with the name of Angela. As I served old people reading newspapers their tea and young adults their coffee, I hear some whispers from table number 7.

I purposely walked by that table and dropped a few forks and spoons by their table. When I bent down to pick up the fallen cutlery, I gracefully dropped a small audio recorder near their chairs. I tapped the inside of my ear, activating the specialized hearing aid, and I exited the café, leaving through the back door.

Beside the dumpster, I could hear the conversation, and pulling out my laptop, I hacked into the café's camera and intently watched 4 men and 1 woman squished into one booth talk.

"So, what do we need to do now, Drake?" the woman asked a dark haired man.

"We've still got a lot to do," Drake said. He looked around before lowering his voice. "I need to order in the parts for the big finale."

I wondered what he meant by that. And big finale? I didn't like the sound of that.

"How will we, you know, get the thing inside his concert for the big fina–" a man was cut off by the sound of Drake making a shh sound.

"Do you want the world to know about what we're going to do?" Drake asked, soundng annoyed. "After all, there are many, many spies out here." I don't know if it was the wind or me, but I shivered. I don't know why, but I felt like he was indirectly mentioning me. Which isn't possible of course, right? I  mean, I have a disguise and everything!

"Let's go," Drake said, standing up.

"Already?" one of the men complained. "We've only sat here for like two minutes and our coffee isn't even here yet! What was the point of this stupid meeting?" Drake looked at him menacingly.

"You know what? After we carry out our plot to destroy Bieber, I'm going to destroy you next, Stuart, if you don't stop complaining!"

Destroy Bieber. Again, I felt chills creep up my spine. Man, Drake seriously needs to see a psychiatrist.

Suddenly, the back door opened, startling me. My reflexes kicked in and I immediately kicked who ever it was in the groin.

"Hey!" the man groaned, and I recognized his voice. He doubled over, clutching his crotch. "That hurts!"

"Ken?" I set down my arms. "Sorry about that. I didn't know it was you."

"It's okay," he said. I smiled at him.

"So what brings you here?" I asked. "Anything new? Is there a sale at Forever 21? Did you watch that movie Hit and Run? Did you find out anything about this "terrorist plot" against Bieber?"

Ken scratched his head. "Nope, there isn't sale at Forever 21; and indeed, I watched Hit and Run–it was a good one, although there was some nudity in it–and yes, we did find some more information about the plot against Bieber." He paused and took a breath. "You might find this interesting. I sent one of our spies in to pretend to be a part of the plot."

"You mean, act as a double agent? Sweet!"

"I suppose. He's now one of Drake's closest friend and adviser. He managed to get some information from Drake, and get this: they're planning some sort of big finale or something. It's gonna be Bieber's Doomsday."

"I already know that, Ken," I tapped my laptop screen. "I listened to their conversation just five minutes ago."

"It's taking place on September 29," Ken said automatically. That leaves us with only 1 month and three weeks to stop them."

"If they're so ready to 'destroy' Justin, why are they waiting for almost two months to do it?" I questioned Ken.

"I don't know why exactly, but I have a funny hunch that tells me that they want witnesses to see their work," Ken paused, then continued, "And September 29, 2012 is Day Number One and the kick start to Bieber's Believe Tour."

"So you're basically saying...that they want to do their big finale at a live concert? They could kill innocent teenagers!" I exclaimed.

"I know," Ken said gravely. "But that's what WOSA is here for, right? We're here to stop the bad guys." He pats my shoulder. "Now, can I get a cup of coffee, double sugar, double cream?"


Hey there, folks! (: This hasn't been updated in almost a year D: Sorry for being MIA. But I hope this chapter makes up for it...BTW I just had my math exam *prays that I did well* haha wish me luck on my other exams.

Anyways, about the chapter: Who do you guys think Drake is..? I'm just curious :) And please leave comments about what you think of this chapter. Also thanks for the 1K reads! I appreciate it. Remember to vote if you liked this chapter! x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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