4. Ellen

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Sorry for the short chapter! :( I'll try to make the next one longer and more interesting ;) How's school for you guys? (Unless you have summer vacation, in that case, how's your vacay? :D)


August 7

Ellen’s Show 1:00pm

I stood behind the set, watching Justin and Ellen bicker on a small TV. Justin’s eyes were better, you almost couldn’t tell that a teenage pop star had gone temporarily blind. 

“So, Justin,” Ellen was saying. “What happened a few days ago? Do you usually go around getting pepper spray in your eyes or…?” Justin laughed. 

“Oh, that wasn’t a big deal, really,” Justin smirked. “You know, it’s all part of the job, getting blind every now and then.” The audience and Ellen laughed along with him. When they calmed down, Justin said, “Actually, even I don’t know why that dude sprayed some pepper spray in my eyes, I mean, I don’t even know what I did to him!”

“Did you catch that person, Justin?” Ellen asked. 

“Of course! My, and I shouldn’t be saying this but, my butt-kicking bodyguard Delilah pinned him down in two seconds flat!” I grinned at the screen. 

“Your butt-kicking bodyguard Delilah?!” Ellen looked at the audience and said, “I think we all know who we want to meet, now, don’t we?” She turned and faced Justin. “Do you think we can meet Delilah?” 

“Actually, I think she’s back on set right now,” Justin said. My pulse quickened. No, no, no! I could never go on camera! I’ve had stage fright since I was a kid!

A person holding a clipboard and a pencil tucked behind his ear came running over to me. “Are you Delilah?” he asked, panting.

“Yes, erm, no, I mean, yeah, I am Delilah!” I stammered. The man snapped his fingers.

“Makeup! Quickly!” A lady quickly ran over and put a bit of this and a bit of that and then swiped some lip gloss on my lips. Then the man pushed me towards the stage and whispered, “Good luck!”

The audience clapped and cheered when I came. I gave a small smile, but my heart was beating really fast! 

“Delilah! Welcome, welcome!” Ellen greeted and hugged me, as if we were old friends. Justin hugged me after that, and then we both sat on the couch. 

“So, you’re Delilah, eh?” Ellen asked, smiling. “What did ya do to that little buster carrying that pepper spray?” 

“We, uh, locked him up,” I said, giving a fake smile. The spotlights were really blinding. “He’s under investigation and an interrogation right now. I can’t say more than that,” I said, lying. The truth was that Ken had taken him to the WOSA Crime Enquiry Department, and he did tests there. I hadn’t gotten the complete results back yet, but Ken did inform me that the boy is suspected in some cruel gang violence.

Ellen nodded and then continued on with the interview. “So Justin, do you think this incident will happen again, and do you think, that it’ll affect how many signings, meet-and-greets you’ll have, and how tight security will be?” 

“Honestly, I hope that this doesn’t happen again,” Justin said grinning.

“So it’s a once in a lifetime experience, you’re saying?” Ellen joked.

“Definitely!” Justin chuckled. “And as for the signings, and the meet-and-greets, I’m telling you right now that I’m not letting my fans down! Plus I have a great bodyguard right here!” Justin patted my arm, and I let out a forced smile. 

“Alright, and that about wraps it up! Sorry Justin, but I’m afraid our time is up.” Ellen said. 

“That’s alright,” Justin said. “Great to be here, like always!”

“So beliebers, don’t be disappointed, you’ll still meet Justin!” Ellen said, facing the camera. The audience cheered and clapped, and then it was all over. 

Spies, Guys, and Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now