2. The File

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Hello! Here's chappie 2 of Spies, Guys, and Justin Bieber! Hope you like it :p Much love to you guys



August 2, 2012

California, Justin Bieber’s House 9:00 am

I stepped out of my car and slammed the door shut and looked in the mirror. I was wearing a grey knitted beret, a loose blouse and a tank top, black skinny jeans, sunglasses, and white & red supras. 

I looked at Justin’s house.  It was big, with a huge pool, potted plants and beach chairs. It was a nice house, with several guards here and there. I walked up to the door and was met by a tall guard.

“Excuse me, miss, but you aren’t allowed in unless you have identification papers, or if Justin had personally allowed you in,” he said. I rolled my eyes and took out my new identity card. It said, DELILAH AUSTIN and showed a picture of me in my disguised look, as well as a fake birthday and location and stuff.

“I’ve been assigned as Justin’s new bodyguard. The papers are all here,” I said, handing him a folder. He opened it and then nodded and let me through. Another guard stopped me and asked for identification. “What is this?” I muttered. Then the guard got a call telling him that it’s okay to let me through. I stuck my tongue out at him. He led me down a hallway, up the stars, into another hallway and then to a room. He knocked.

“Mr. Bieber,” he said. “You have a new guest.”

“One sec!” I heard Justin call through the door. A moment later the door opened. Justin was wearing black Nike shoes, red basketball shorts and a white tank top. He was dribbling a basketball in one hand, and drinking soda in the other. “Uh, hey there?” he said.

“Hi,” I replied. The guard left us alone, and then Justin motioned me inside. I realized that we were in a basketball court. “Wow!” I said.  

“You like it?” he asked, smiling. “By the way, er, who are you?”

“I’m Delilah Austin, your new bodyguard, duh!” I said, still admiring the basketball court. Justin frowned.

“I didn’t know...that I had a new bodyguard!” he said. “And no offence Delilah, but you don’t look like a bodyguard type of person.” 

“Really? Because I can bet on you that I can take down 10 guards with one arm tied behind my back,” I replied. He laughed. “No seriously. Throw a couple punches at me.”

“You serious? I’m not gonna hit a girl!” Justin said. I shrugged.

“Suit yourself, then,” I said. Then I picked him up and flipped him over and threw him on the ground (but he didn’t get hurt). I put my knee on his back to keep him down and twisted his left arm. “What about now?” I asked him seriously. I let go of him, and he got up.

“You’re crazy,” he said, grinning. “But I guess you are the bodyguard type.”

“I guess so,” I replied. “Hey, have you noticed anything strange going on around here?” Justin laughed. 

“Come on, you’re only a bodyguard, not an FBI agent, Lilah! Oh, and do you mind if I call you Lilah instead of Delilah?” he asked.

“Just answer my question. Have you noticed anything weird or unusual?” I asked sternly. I needed to know so that I could start somewhere with my mission. I needed a lead. If there really was some secret gang that’s involved with Justin Bieber, I’ll need to track them down.

Justin scratched his head. “Eh, I don’t know. I guess there’s more paparazzi than usual. Oh god, there’s this one person who wears black glasses and he has brown hair and he literally follows me everywhere I go!” he said, laughing. “And he asks me strange...questions.”

“What sort of strange questions?” I asked, curious. Justin picked the basketball up and started dribbling towards the net. He aimed for the net and scored, then dribbled back to me.

“He asked me...if I find any boys attractive,” Justin said. I face palmed myself. I so did not need that info for my mission. “I know right!” Justin said. “That was my reaction, too!” 

“Well, it was nice meeting you Justin, but I gotta go now, so see ya later,” I said, heading towards the door. If I wanted to find any information for my mission, I was gonna have to do a little snooping around on my own. 

“Wait, but you’re my bodyguard! You’re supposed to, uh, you know, bodyguard me!” Justin complained.

“First of all, I’m only supposed to bodyguard you when you’re out in public, like meet and greets, after concerts and interviews etcetera. And second of all, I start tomorrow. My boss just thought that you should meet me and, quote, ‘get to know me better’,” I said. “See you later!” I said, leaving.

Instead of leaving right away, though, I looked down the hallway and made sure that no one was watching what I was doing. I started down the hallway, looking for a particular room. When I found it, I tried the door handle, but it was locked, so I took my spy watch out and picked the lock until it opened. I looked behind me and made sure again that no one was watching, and then I entered the room.

Storage Room, 9:52 am

There was a desk in the room, potted plants here and there, and a desktop in the corner. I took my spyglasses out and turned them on. They look like regular black sunglasses on the outside, but from my eyes, I could take videos, check temperature, lock a target, analyze people and much more! I checked the room, and I took an x-ray of the desk. I could see that there was only a file in the desk. How odd.

I walked over to the desk to open it, but I found that it was locked. “Oh, dammit,” I muttered. Does everything have to be locked around here? I scanned the room again and found that the key to the lock was hidden under the potted plant. I went to retrieve it, and then I opened the desk drawer to get the files.

I opened the file and realized that this file contained info about the people who worked with Justin—the dancers, security, managers, mentors, everything! I needed to take this file and give it to Ken, but what if the people noticed it was missing? Suddenly, I heard voices and footsteps. “Shit!” I quickly put the file back, locked the door and hit the key under the potted plant. I took out a little gadget and threw it at a corner of the room. It implanted itself there, and I turned it on.

It was just a video camera that would take a footage of what theses men where up to. Suddenly, the door handle turned, so I quickly jumped out of the window, gripped the wall and started climbing up the wall. I heard a man say, “How strange that this door was unlocked. Usually it’s locked.” I was on the roof, and I took out my phone and watched what the men were doing. 

Two men had came in; one was wearing big glasses, a v-neck t-shirt, and jeans; and the other was wearing a tank top, shorts, and flip-flops. “We have to add this in our database, Andy,” the one with the glasses said. He was holding some papers, or something. I zoomed in, but I couldn’t tell what it was, except that there was a picture of a girl on it. Andy, the one wearing the shorts, walked over to the plant and took the key out to open the drawer. He took the file out and added the picture of the girl into it. He was about to put the file back, but the man with the glasses stopped him.

“Give it to me, Andy,” he said. “I have a feeling that this file won’t be safe here. I’ll keep it.” My heart skipped a beat. Did he know that someone was here?

“Yes sir,” was all Andy said. They both walked out of the room, and locked it. I face palmed myself. Now what? I scaled down the wall and jumped into the room again. They took the hard copy of the files with them, but they must have another copy somewhere...like the desktop!

I rushed to the desktop and turned it on. I inserted a pen drive, and it bypassed the login screen and went to the home screen. I looked through different files, desperately looking for a soft copy of the files that the strange glasses man had took. Finally, I found it. I took my USB storage key and copied the files onto it. I quickly shut down the computer and left the room, via the window. Time to get back to Ken’s office.

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