The confusion

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom ruled by Queen Fae and King Cyril, there lived a young princess named Lila. Lila was a curious and bright young girl, always eager to learn new things about the world around her.

One day, Queen Fae and King Cyril sat down with Lila to tell her some important news. "Lila," said Queen Fae, "Your brother, Prince Darius, will be the future king of our kingdom."

Lila was confused. "But why can't I be the queen?" she asked.

Queen Fae and King Cyril exchanged a look. They had not expected this reaction from their daughter.

"Lila, being a queen is a very important job," said King Cyril. "But traditionally, the oldest son in a royal family is the one who inherits the throne."

"But that's not fair," protested Lila. "Why should Darius get to be king just because he's a boy?"

Queen Fae and King Cyril sighed. They knew that explaining the intricacies of royal tradition to a young child was not an easy task.

"Lila, it's not about fairness," said Queen Fae. "There are certain rules and traditions that have been in place for centuries."

"But what if I don't want to be a princess?" asked Lila. "What if I want to do something else when I grow up?"

Queen Fae and King Cyril smiled at their daughter's independent spirit. "Lila, you can be anything you want to be," said Queen Fae. "Being a princess or a queen is just one of the many paths you can choose in life."

Lila thought about this for a moment. She realized that even though she couldn't be queen, she still had many opportunities to make a difference in the world.

"I guess you're right," said Lila. "I just want to make a difference, even if I'm not the queen."

Queen Fae and King Cyril smiled, proud of their daughter's determination. "We know you will, Lila," said Queen Fae. "And we will support you in whatever you choose to do."

From that day on, Lila continued to be a curious and adventurous princess, always eager to learn more about the world around her. And even though she knew she would not be queen, she was determined to make a positive impact on her kingdom and the people in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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