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Jisoo was confused when he heard Jeonghan call his name. He thought that his friend was following behind him to the main road, but Jeonghan's voice seemed pretty far away when he called for him, and his voice sounded extremely strained and urgent. Jisoo stood underneath the streetlamp and turned to see that Jeonghan was nowhere to be found. His jaw dropped— it had to be the thing grabbing him and his friends that made Jeonghan disappear. Jisoo looked around him wildly to see if he could see the person or thing that nabbed him, but there was no one or nothing around him.

"Jeonghan?" Jisoo asked in a regular register.

He tried be louder, but he was too scared to raise his voice. He didn't want to get caught by the thing. Jisoo heard the moon laugh even louder, and he looked up to see a trail of blood escaping its mouth. His eyes widened. Why was the moon bleeding? It wasn't bleeding earlier.

Rather than look for his missing friend, Jisoo did what he thought was smart, and that was to head for the shed. The path to the shed was lined with streetlamps, illuminating his path. He felt a little more reassured that he could see, but he was still panicking because it was a long way from where he was to the shed.

Jisoo originally started his journey walking. His legs were too wobbly to run because he was so damn nervous and scared. He really wished he asked one of the other boys to walk with him, but it was too late for those regrets now. He just had to make it to them. That was it. After a couple of yards, Jisoo was able to regain control over his limbs, and his walk turned into a brisk stroll then into a light jog, then a full sprint. He wasn't running away from anything, which made him feel a little better about the situation, the situation being he was just with Jeonghan and now he was all alone because the entity that he and his friends were scared of definitely nabbed his friend.

That's when his worst fear came true: the lights were turning off in front of him. One after the other, the streetlamps were going dead, and the lights were getting killed one after the other, nearing the running boy. Before the lights near him could die, Jisoo decided to stop running and turn around to run away from the dying lights, only to see that the lights behind him also died. He was about to get shrouded in darkness.

"Fuck!" Jisoo cursed at the top of his lungs. "Whatever you are, stay back!"

The moon started laughing even louder. Jisoo glared at the moon and yelled, "Shut the fuck up!"

Still laughing, the moon looked right at Jisoo. There was still blood trickling down its mouth. Gritting his teeth, Jisoo looked ahead of him. Although it was dark now that the streetlamps were dead, he could stop the shed. He was almost there. He made a mad dash for the shed. The wind howled in his ears as he ran as fast as he could because his life really was depending on it.

He could see that the lights in the shed were still on, and he fixated on that sliver of light emerging from the bottom of it as he legs carried him further and further down the dirt path. What he didn't realize, though, was that while he was running for the shed, he was also running right towards the phantom. Jisoo's eyes darted from the shed to the path in front of him, and the last thing he saw were the three eyes of the phantom before he, too, disappeared. More blood escaped from the moon's mouth. There were two trails after the phantom got Jisoo.

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