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Vernon looked up at the sky as he walked to school, a bicycle rolling alongside him. Last night, he and the other boys gathered up all their money to pay Chan's mother to buy him a new bicycle after Vernon wrecked it, and Vernon was taking it to school to surprise Chan. He looked up at the sky and smiled. The clouds were fluffy and full, and the sun seemed to be smiling at him. Vernon smiled back; but then, the sun started laughing at him. However, Vernon didn't mind because he was just in such a good mood. Nothing could faze him.

It was eight in the morning when Vernon got to school; school started at half past eight. He was early for the first time in his life, so he decided to wait outside for Chan. He saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan head into the classroom five minutes after eight, Jisoo third-wheeling right behind them. Mingyu and Wonwoo followed soon after, Mingyu wearing Wonwoo's glasses and Wonwoo trying to get his glasses back from the tall kid. Jihoon had his nose in a book as he walked, Junhui and Minghao were speaking in Chinese and confusing Vernon, Seungkwan ran behind Seokmin as they went into the building, and Soonyoung almost ran into Vernon- he was almost late to class. Vernon sighed as he continued waiting for Chan, but Chan didn't show up, and class was about to start. Vernon parked the bicycle by the big tree and trudged into class; so much for going to surprise Chan.

Class started, and Vernon thought Chan was going to be late just as he was the day before. A couple classes passed, and lunch time arrived. The math teacher came to talk to the boys as they ate their lunch.

"Do you kids know where Lee Chan was last night?" the math teacher asked.

Vernon looked at the math teacher as Seungcheol said, "He was with us until around six and then left to come serve his punishment. We haven't seen him since."

"Well, Chan didn't show up last night to serve his punishment," the teacher explained. "Do you happen to know where he is at the moment?"

Vernon's eyes widened as all the boys in the group shook their heads. He looked back up at the teacher, and slowly shook his head as well. The teacher thanked them before leaving, and Vernon immediately turned to the group of boys.

"Did Chan stay at home? Is he sick?" he asked worriedly.

"Don't know," Seokmin said, his mouth full of food. "Why don't you stop by his house after school. Check to see if he's at home."

Vernon nodded hesitantly, his chopsticks held loosely in his hands. He couldn't help but feel something bad happened, but Chan was probably alright. He held his chopsticks firmly and started to pick up a piece of meat when he heard the sun laughing. He looked up at the sun and squinted at it. The sun was looking right at him again, and he didn't like it. He felt like the sun was mocking him for being happy earlier that day and now disappointed. In complete honesty, Vernon wanted to chuck his chopstick at the sun to make it shut up, but instead he settled for slamming his chopsticks into his lunch box and getting up abruptly with his lunch box in his hands.

The laughter of the sun continued as Vernon wheeled the bike back home. He wanted to check up on Chan as soon as possible, but he had so much homework that he needed to finish it first since he was, after all, a good student. There was a cool wind that surrounded him as he walked home in the sunny laughter of the sun, and Vernon couldn't help but think how nice the breeze was. He closed his eyes and walked along the dusty, yellow road, the wind whistling through his hair and ears. For a little while, all he could hear was the wind; but then, he heard something scurry past him and brush against his shoulder. His eyes shot open, and he looked around him quickly and frightened. There was nothing near him- only the green grass, the blue sky, the orange sun, and the yellow road. Vernon let out a deep breath and decided to bike the rest of his way home. Hopefully he wouldn't break Chan's bike again; he wanted to see the happy look on Chan's face as he gifted him the new bike.


new chapter format ooo what does this mean??

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