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"You know, I think I figured out the secret behind the-" Jihoon started, only to be cut off by Seungkwan.

"Don't say anything!" Seungkwan said, his hands covering Jihoon's mouth.

"I wasn't going to say anything about that!" Jihoon snapped as he pushed Seungkwan away with his leg. "I was talking about the test we have to take today."

"Oh," Seungkwan nodded and went back to staring at his desk.

It was morning, and class had yet to start. The boys were still coming into the room one by one, each boy looking worse than the next. Everyone had been studying the night before for the big test they had to take. It wasn't a final, but it was the last test they took before their summer vacation for two months; they didn't really take finals in the countryside- just really big tests that counted for a lot of points but only covered the material from the last chapter they learned. Seungkwan yawned and waved at Seokmin as he entered the room. Seungkwan looked out the window and laid his head on his desk. He could hear Jihoon continue to babble on and on about how he was really prepared for this upcoming test. He tried to tune Jihoon out and focus on the clouds floating through the blue sky. He wondered if it would ever rain, seeing as how for the past almost month now it had not rained once. Seungkwan just wanted a little change in his seemingly static life.

Seungkwan jolted out of his seat when Seungcheol slammed the door to the classroom open and said loudly, "Guys, I have news!"

Seungcheol was the last boy to enter the room, so the rest of the boys gave him their attention and quickly moved over to where he was standing. Seungkwan got up slowly and noticed Seungcheol was holding something small and black. He pushed his way through the boys crowding around Seungcheol and looked at the thing he was holding a little closer. His eyes widened as he realized what he was holding, and his jaw dropped. He crumpled to the ground, the rest of the boys watching as Seungkwan sobbed to himself. Jeonghan sat down next to him and patted his back; they all knew why Seungkwan was suddenly crying.

"That's Chan's flashlight," Seungkwan said in between sobs.

No one could bring themselves to focus on their work when class started that day. It was difficult to focus because thoughts kept revolving in their head. They wanted to know where Chan and Vernon were and if they would ever come back. Seungkwan could help but tear up as he tried to focus on his work because he remembered Vernon coming to ask him questions about the work since they both used the same books. Seungkwan felt alone; he just wanted Vernon and Chan to come back. They all wanted Vernon and Chan to come back.

Seungcheol said he was going to go search for them the next day. He wanted to search for them after school, but they all had their tests to study for.

"I also don't think you should go because of the sun not laughing. It's so weird that the sun is suddenly just," Wonwoo trailed off. "Normal?"

"I don't think normal is the right word," Seungcheol said. "I get what you're trying to say though. Let's just head home while everything seems alright. Let's stay safe."

No one could argue with that. Seungkwan couldn't even argue. He walked home slowly that day, and his eyes kept tearing up along the walk home. He normally walked home alone, like the rest of the boys, but it felt lonely that day; it felt lonelier. Seungkwan sniffled as he walked home, and just before he entered the house, he heard a giggle. He looked around him and then slowly up to the sky where the sun was lazing about, and the sun was giggling.

Seungkwan ran inside. He didn't want to deal with that sun. He went inside to study. The sun was starting to set when Seungkwan's mind started to wander. He wanted to find out where Vernon and Chan disappeared too. Ever since Seungcheol found the flashlight, Seungkwan couldn't help but think that maybe they were killed by some sort of animal. Seungkwan shuddered at the thought. He looked out at the sun and saw it half asleep as it went away. Maybe he wouldn't go at night time- he was too scared to; but maybe, going now was better than pushing it off because Seungkwan didn't know whether or not he would ever be brave enough to try to look for them again.

Seungkwan left his house as the sun was setting; he needed to find Vernon and Chan, or what was left of them.

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