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The moon was watching Seungkwan's every move as he walked nervously to the forest entrance. Something told him that maybe he should turn around and not enter the forest, but Seungkwan knew he would regret it if he turned back now instead of looked for his friends. He took a step towards the forest, only to run back terrified.

He crouched down on the ground at least ten feet away from the entrance of the forest. He knew that Chan wouldn't have taken the forest path to school because Chan was scared of the forest at night. Vernon, on the other hand, was dumb enough to take the forest path dead at night. Seungkwan groaned to himself as he stood up and paced around the entrance. He was going to have to buck up and enter the forest anyway because Seungcheol said he found the flashlight by the forest, which meant Seungkwan might be able to find at least one of his missing friends.

Seungkwan shone his flashlight into the dark forest and took one trembling step after another into the forest. He looked around him constantly as he walked through the forest, which was good for him in a way because he definitely had to be cautious; however, Seungkwan failed to look in front of him in that process, so he completely failed to notice the fallen bike in front of him. He tripped over the wheel of the bike and fell, his hips hitting the ground. Seungkwan cried out silently in pain as he rubbed his butt and stood up quickly. He shone his flashlight down at the ground to see what he tripped over and noticed the bike. Seungkwan peered just a little closer at the bike and realized that the bike on the ground was the bike that Vernon was supposed to gift to Chan.

Seungkwan collapsed to the ground in sheer horror, his hand reaching out to touch the seat of the brand new bicycle that the boys bought for Chan. Had he not been so absorbed in the bicycle and the fact that Vernon and Chan definitely must have died somewhere, Seungkwan would have been able to save himself. Since he hadn't been looking in front of him, he didn't notice the dark figure directly in the path just waiting eagerly for Seungkwan to approach it. Seungkwan had no plans of getting up, however. His legs were numb with shock, so he was basically floored.

It didn't want to wait for Seungkwan any longer; it vanished into the darkness of the night and rapidly approached Seungkwan. Seungkwan heard a whistling in the wind, but he did not know that it was coming for him. He looked up at the sky and saw the moon slightly smirk. Seungkwan shone the flashlight to the forest path quickly, but it was too late. It was there for Seungkwan, and it ended Seungkwan's trembling then and there.

Seungkwan's flashlight rolled down into the dead leaves of the forest, and the moon bled as the light of the flashlight died out slowly.

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