2: Escape

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I woke up with tears falling from my eyes. I wiped them away recalling the dream I had, a dream of the past during happier times I wish I could have again. Just then, something struck my window creating a loud noise. Startled and now alert, I cautiously made my way to the window to look outside. A big white wolf stood outside below my window, crying for my attention. I opened the window and leaned out, "Puro?! What're you doing here?" He whined and quietly growled for me to come outside. I listened inside to see if my parents had heard us, but the house was as still as when I went to sleep. I opened the window completely, sat on the ledge, and pushed myself out. Puro jumped up and caught me before I could hit the ground. Gently, he set me down and caught me before I fell over. He always knew when I was in pain and every time he came running to keep me safe. He sniffed my wounded leg, lowered himself for me to jump back on his back and hold on tight to his soft fur. He stood back up and quietly trotted into the woods, far away from anyone to hear us. He laid down, giving me the chance to slide down slowly and cuddle into him. Puro had always been there for me since I was a baby thanks to my mom. She had gifted me with him to be my protector and best friend. I had broken down again, Puro whined in response, "It'll be ok" He nuzzled my face and licked my tears away. I always found it cute how he did that for me. After DJ disappeared, my parents and I moved immediately into town leaving Puro completely behind. Puro was and still is, convinced that these were not my parents. However, he was never able to get close enough to the house because of me. I saw what my parents did to the other creatures I helped and I couldn't let them do the same thing to Puro.

"I just don't know what to do anymore Puro" I choked back my tears as best as I could, "I need to get out of here. I can't stay here anymore!" Puro silently listened to me as I tried to stop my tears. He once again licked my tears away,

"You can do it. Tomorrow's the big day and once night falls, let's go" Puro was right. Tomorrow was the big day, Graduation day.

"What if they find us? What if they take you away from me?" I was filled with anxious questions I didn't want answers to. Puro nuzzled my face and laid his tail on top of me like a thick blanket. Feeling safe and warm, I found myself drifting off to sleep once again.

"I'll keep you safe"

I awoke the next morning back in my bed next to my obnoxiously loud phone. I shut my alarm off and got up to get ready for the day of graduation. After getting dressed, I quickly checked underneath my bed to make sure my bag was completely packed so I could grab it afterward and leave. After 11 years, I can finally get away from this place! I walked to my door and made my way down the stairs to find my parents smiling at me. I instinctively flinched, unsure of what to make of their smiles. They moved closer to me which made me close my eyes as if to prepare for something, but what came was unexpected. They both embraced me in a hug,

"We are so proud of you," My mother said. Father followed up after her,

"You are finally all grown up. C'mon, let's get you to graduation" He grabbed my hand and lead me to the car outside. Was this a dream or was this really happening? What's going on? Confused, I got into the car and we drove off to school. I looked out the window, traffic had been busier than ever in this small town, but it always seemed this way when an event such as this rolled around. Once we had arrived, I had gotten out and went to get ready for the graduation ceremony. It was hard for me to focus the entire time, it was like a switch had been flipped back to what my parents used to be, however, I could tell something was off by the way they hugged me. Their hugs used to bring me comfort and warmth, hugs that showed that I was safe. However, when they embraced me, it was like I was in both an oven and a freezer at the same time. Their body temperatures were so abnormal, I had never noticed that before.

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