The Deer

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(Hunters POV) I see him. There. Prouncing around like Bambi. With no care in the world. If only he knew he was about to die. I hide in the brush waiting for the perfect moment to attack. He walked around for awhile, then stopped. He leaned down to eat the grass. This is it. Here is my time. I prepare my gun. I load it, then aim. It made a popping sound and the animal turned. He looked me straight in the eye. He was beautiful. Almost majestical. But then it happened. Something I have never seen before. It was almost as if it was satanic. I could swear to you he was possessed. His eyes turned a dark shade of red. Fangs grew out the side of his mouth. I thought I could see horns on his head. He made a loud bloodcurdling screech then bulleted towards me. Fangs hanging out preparing to attack. Attack me! I was supposed to attack him. Then he sunk his teeth into my neck and the world turned black.

(Deer's POV) I am planning on eating him. The taste of human flesh. I live for it. The taste. The smell. Blood makes a delicious drink. I have sunk my teeth into his neck, making sure he dies. Soon I will devour him. Blood will be everywhere. All over my fur. My nose. I scream once again. A scream that let's the demon inside of me be known. I sink my fangs back into the hunter and I feed. Starting first with his torso. That's where you find the best meat. If you want the blood aim for the throat. I'm heading there next. The blood tastes so good. The metallic taste in my tongue. I feel it going down my throat. My demon inside isn't pleased. He begs for more. But there is no more. The hunter is all gone. The demon. Inside me. It hurts. I know I'm going to die. This is it. My last moment is spent in pain from the inside out. All I wanted to do was live. But only the opposite is happening.

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