What happens next?

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Cam's POV

Holy Crap!!!! Mindy just kissed me. I didn't know what to do after she left. I decided to do a victory dance. Whoop!!! Progress is being made!!!!!!!!! I text Max to tell him the news.

Me: Guess wat?1?!

Max: I'm guessin something good. Wat?

Me: Mindy kissed me!!!!! Score

Max: What?!

Me: Yeah I know she  kissed me on the cheek.

Max: Dude

Me: Wat?

Max: She's dating Kevin . He's not bad when you actually hang with him. 

Me: Well she won't be his for long

Max: Don't you care about Mindy's happiness?! :-/

Me: Don't you care about mine

Max : Dude , this is fucked up. One way or another it's gonna come and bite you in the ass

Me; Until then I'm up for the ride 

Max; See ya dude.

Am I doing the right thing? Why does Max's words echo in my mind? 

Kevin's POV

I was just working out when I heard a knock on my door. I walked towards the door and to find Mindy standing there looking beautiful as always. 

"And what did I do to earn this gorgeous surprise?" I teased her

Her cheeks flushed with pink. " well I just wanted to show you something. But you look busy , I'll just come another time. " 

" No, no. It's cool" I said  ushering her in. 

She sat on the couch and I went to the kitchen and got us water bottles.  I sat next to her gave and gave her the bottle. "So what's up?"

Her cheeks turned pink again " Well I wrote something about you, or more like us. Layla heard it and I told her that I wanted to show you it. But  I was embarrassed. She told me that I have too. And well look I'm here" 

" What is it" I asked

"It's a poem. It's called Restored" she said

Oh this is gonna be good. I gotta hear it"  I thought 

Lost in my bounds of heartbreaks

Loosing my own faith that I could ever be healed

Tied to the ends of the earth

Seeking but always failing

Scared of ever letting you in

For my heart will be shattered 

You've restored my soul

Slowly my scars diminish

My heart is continuously abound with love

You've found me in isolation

You've brought me out

I'm renewed , and full of forgiveness

for those who have wrecked me 

In your arms I shall be 

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