What in the world is going on ????

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MIndy's POV

Okay maybe I over-reacted with Daniel. Like really we're brother and sisters for goodness sakes. I feel completely stupid.

There was a knock on my door. " Come in " I said, Daniel walked in ( holy crap)

" Uh Daniel -"

" look before you yell at me please hear me out" He pleaded then sat on my bed across from me . I raised my eyebrow indicating he can continue .

" I made a mistake, really I'm really; I mean I hope you can forgive me

" well yeah I forgive you-" He kissed passionately before I had anything to say . All I was thinking was wowza his dude knows how to kiss.

He left me huffing and puffing " look Daniel um this thing between us may not work"

" Why not ?" He questioned me

" well for one I'm your sister and your my brother" I said in a mocking tone

" you do realize that mom didn't really adopt me right"

" Come again" I said confused

" well she just took me in , you know . I'm going to move and start all over again, in a new state and city" He proclaimed

" But still" I pressed on

" there are no buts sis, but if you don't want the whole package then Lisi can have it" 

And with that he walked out of my room. ( Now that was weird)

Cam's POV

Dude just tell her your sorry it's not that hard. You guys have plans tonight . Don't screw it up man.

That's all i could think when I'm walking up her drive way. Don't screw it up

I didn't even knock on the door before she came screaming and jumping on top of me. 

" AHHHHHHHHHH Cam, Cam Yay your're here!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed

I couldn't help but smile "what why?" I asked her

" because dummy we're going to the carnival!!!!!!!!!!" she poked at my chest.

I didn't say anything. That wiped the smile off her face. " what , what's wrong"

" I thought you were mad at me " I whispered sheepishly

She cocked her head to the right and a had dumb look

" ohhhhhhh well I couldn't be mad at you for something as stupid as that , and plus it's the carnival today!!!!!!!!!" .

I smirked. " awww that's why I love ya"

Her cheeks redden " shut up Cam"

Then a tall good-looking dude walked up the front door. I was immediately jealous. Who the hell was this guy.

" where are you going Mindy?" he asked

" umm the carnival" she replied

I cleared my throat cause I better get some answers soon or this guy would be on the floor in seconds.

She looked back and forth between us. Her eyes widened  .

" oh my bad, Cam this is Daniel  he's my supposedly adopted brother and Daniel this is my best friend Cam. She started giggling as if something was funny. I narrowed my eyes at her; she saw me and giggled harder.

" Mindy  what did you have for breakfast?" I questioned suspiciously 

Her eyes  widened " nothing" she said in a childish voice

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