Sequel to The Fate of Our Hearts: Fate Interrupted

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Upon completing The Fate of Our Hearts, I really didn't think I'd go on to write a sequel. But a few early readers who have read to the end (and thank you so very much for making it to the end!)  wondered what happened to Gio and Ren after the last scene.

Well, it got me thinking. Enough to feel compelled to write the next chapter, one that picks up where the Prologue starts, remembering Gio and what a special relationship they had.

Spoiler alert: No, they didn't stay together past high school.

So why did they break up? Where are they now? What makes her think of him again?

What I can tell you is they will be older... so get ready for a hot adult romance story as we fast forward to Ren and Gio in their late 20s.

The sequel to The Fate of Our Hearts, Fate Interrupted, is available now. Check it out.

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