Chapter 7 - Visions of the past

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As the young crew ventured further into the east for another couple of hours, and closer to the foothills. the group came across an abandoned barn, there was nothing around it for a good distance all around. Rathamin figured it was a good place to rest for the night. 

Adnaan looked at the structure, it was in all right shape and was pretty sure it wouldn't fall in on them in the night, it had doors front and back so fairly defendable if the wolves or anything else came calling. 

Speron quickly closed the back doors of the barn and did all she could to reinforce them, "well, that will have to do with those" she mumbled. 

As the sun fell and the group began to settle in, It wasn't long before Emily had arranged the large tunic to at least fit on her properly thanks to some string she found, and Adnaan's pants he arrived in. She sat next to Speron and looking in her bag as Speron did.

"Got anything to eat in there" She asked. "Im starving"

Speron looked at he human, "what do human's eat?" she asked as she went through her bag. 

"Coffee" Rathamin offered instinctively, the thought of it made him lick his lips. wishing he had some. He pulled out a bun and a container of some meat stuff in a jar he was given by a villager. he put some on his bun and passed it to Adnaan. 

Adnaan said with a smile, "yess pio meat on a bun, my mother made this when I was a kid" he said. He handed the jar and a bun to Emily who looked at Adnaan with disgust. 

"Ugh no" Emily said, "I'm vegetarian", she looked at Speron who was eating a seed wafer and sneered at that choice, 'Hmm guess i'll have to wait" she sighed. 

"Emily Grant' Rath chuckled, he tossed her a pomeran, she caught it with a slight grunt, and it looked oversize in her frail human hand.

Emily looked it over, "how do it eat it?" she asked as she tried to bite the leathery hide. 

"Here girl" Speron said opening the fruit with her claw and hands it back. Emily began eating the flesh inside.

 "Oh yeah" Emily said with satisfaction.

Rathamin finished his meal and got up to check the area again, to make sure it was clear before the dark took the area. As he came around the front of the barn again, he was met by Speron who was looking over the area, and came over, looking in her eyes.

"The area is clear" he said as he took in her look. "we just need to keep an ear out and we'll close the door" he paused, "what" he looked at her puzzled. 

Speron bit the inside of her mouth, "I wanted to apologize for what I said in the village" she smiled slightly, " I didn't mean to speak about the war, Overall the Falc's didnt get involved, our doctrine wont allow us to get involved in an offensive that didn't effect our people. With the exception of Gravis, that is our disputed territory with the Wolfine. But both our people use the land and improve it. We only held a hospital and treatment capacity for the rest of the war. I only saw the end result."

Rathamin looked at Speron and saw some hint of emotion come across her face, "I was overly harsh, and I'm sorry" he said. "Losing my father and the war took its toll on me. I didn't realize you were a part of the effort on that side, Were you a medic?"

"No," Speron said, "but I assisted in follow up treatment, and heard many of the stories of battles, and saw firsthand the horrors". "And the dead, so many dead" she sniffed as she began to cry. Speron caught herself, "anyway I wanted you to know I think your justified in wearing this" she tapped his Armour, You deserve whatever brings you peace." "Good night" she finished and walked away.  

Still stunned, Rathamin, walked to the barn and made sure the door was closed and locked. Adnaan came over to Rathamin and said with a smile. "You coming on to my girl?' And with a smile he said "get some sleep, I'll take first watch." 

Rathamin laid on his area of soft straw and tried to get comfortable, He didn't feel like he'd be getting any sleep, but as the night took him he thought of his mother. 

Rathamin opened his eyes, As his Mother's smiling face stared down at him. "Wake up dear, new day" she said melodically. As he looked around he saw his mother sit on a chair next to his bed. 

"Mother?" Rathamin looked up and looked at her, he recognized his childhood room but it was blurry for some reason, his mother however he saw clear as day. "Mother what are you doing here?" 

Ganen, looked back at Rathamin and considered her words, "My dear boy, I'm always with you," she said, Rathamin looked at her, she was young and beautiful as he remembered. 

"If I am seeing you, does that mean I'm with the ancients? Rathamin asked. 

"No dear, far from it" she said with a smile, "but you have lost yourself, your questioning your life, and your direction". she took Rathamin's claw hand in hers, your life is just getting started, but your going to face a trial and you have to pass it," she said with conviction. "Not everything is as it seems, and be careful who you trust,' she said "and you have to fix it, make it right."

"How Mother?' How do I fix it?" what do I need to do" Rathamin asked hoarsly. As he asked, the room distorted and grew darker, Rathamin saw his family, his childhood, his adolescence, his mothers funeral,  He saw his father cry, Forvo never cried,  but he cried over his wife, his love. Rathamin realized his life and his future, needed his family, all they taught him, guided him. They helped him to be the best he could be. he understood the starting point had to be the these trials, then, then..

With a start Rathamin woke to Adnaan standing over him, "hey, you ok" he asked quietly.

Rathamin got up with a grunt, how long was I sleeping? 

Adnaan surmised, "about five parts of the cycle" he said. "time for your watch" he said with a smile, 

"Ok" Rath grunted as he rose, unable to believe he had been sleeping for 5 hours, he got up and realized by the sky it truly had been that length of time. Rathamin approached the door and heard somehing behind him as he turned he saw Emily behind him. 

Emily Grant, you should be sleeping, Rathamin said quietly, and turned to the door to ensure no one was there. 

"Emily" she said, "just Emily" as she also looked out the door. "Anything?"

With a growl Rath said "couple of smaller predators, but nothing to worry about"

"You can see that in this dark?' she asked with amazement. "Wow."

Rathamin looked at her again, "too long watching for Karok in the war" he said. 

You were a soldier during that war?" she asked. 

"Yes" Rathamin said quietly "a Cavalier Ranger" he said. Emily looked at him Puzzled. "A specialist" he added.

Emily touched his Armour, "is this how you ended up with this?"

"Yes" Rath said as he looked at her, "Why"

"Do you have scars under it?" she pressed on.

"Yes" he said sounding a bit more frustrated. 

"May I see them?" she smiled.

"No" he said with a hiss. 

"But human gals dig scars she scolded. 

"Good to know" he said, half frown on his face as he looked at her. 

Emily smiled and bit her lip," good night Rathamin" she cooed.

"Sweet Dreams Emily Gran..Emily" he said and she went back to her spot.

"He watched as she settled in, Rathamin returned to his view of the door. 

"Humans," he sighed

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