Chapter 9 - Chao Town

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The young adventurers took a bit of time to collect themselves and take in the day. Rathamin sat on tree stump as Emily undid the dressing on his arm from the wolf attack the day before. As she exposed it carefully to make sure none of the dressing had ended up in the wound, once it was exposed Rathamin looked at his arm, the chewed up leaf material came off with the dressing and showed a well healed but glistening scar that closely resembled a tree with branches where the wound had been yesterday. 

"That is impressive" Rathamin said looking at the scar, "how is that possible?"

Emily looked at it " The enzymes in the leaves of the forsa trees have healing qualities, as well as a powerful disinfectant when mashed up. The poison actually stops infection at a blood level." She smiled. She touched Rath's face "You're probably healthiest you've been in your life she winked, "and yeah, nice scar" she purred and put a thin dressing on it to protect it.  how do I keep it on she questioned as she looked around. Rath unhooked the covering from his other arm and put it over the dressing, Emily clamped it on. "Good as new" she said and returned to the group of berry looking things she was drying in the midday sun. 

"What is that?" Rath asked curiously. watching Emily.

"Coffee" she said just flatly, "any luck by morning we will have some."

"Rathamin laughed, you're full of surprises."

"Dont you forget it big guy" she chuckled, as she split open the beans. 

Rathamin checked on the others, Speron was fixing her supply bag that had broken on impact and refilled it, as she did she would occasionally rub the back of her head and neck. Adnaan was scouting the area ahead of them to get some idea what they would be looking at. Kreon was watching the valley as he ate on of Adnaan's sandwiches. Rath walked over to Kreon and stood close as he watched over him. 

Without looking Kreon said "leaving me behind are you?"

"Well, your doing what were all here to do so I'd say that's up to you?" Rathamin said thoughtfully. No one is forced to join, and you can go your own way at any point, same as we have all agreed to. 

"what about her?" Kreon said sarcastically. 

"Speron, can Kreon join us for the time being?"

"Whatever" she hissed gently.

"See? she's thrilled" he chuckled.

Adnaan came around and looked at the group, "well shall we get moving?"

"Why, yes sir I believe it is" Emily said with a snooty tone, and a laugh.

Adnaan and Speron looked at each other and Speron feel herself flush under her furr. Adnaan also took in her gaze then looked away. he waited for her to walk ahead then stepped alongside her. he took her hand for a minute and she reciprocated, then after a few seconds let it go, reaching for her neck and rubbing it. 

Rathamin took a last look at the valley and took up the rear with Kreon who reluctantly decided to go with the group, if only for now. 

The group walked thru some dense bush area for a bit, Speron feeling a bit better decided going above the treeline and see what's ahead. she circled for a few and came back with a thump on the forest underlay.

"There is a town about an hour this way" she said. As they adjusted to the north east. Emily looked at Kreon and noticed his wings, "Kreon do you fly too?"

He looked at the petite human and seemed to size her up, and finally with a look "no I cant, as a farm group we don't learn to fly" he sighed.

"They focus on being on the ground and learn to become one with their ATOS" Rath said from behind Kreon. 

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