Chapter 5

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The next morning, Ben received an urgent summons to Isaac's lodgings while he was reading his newspaper over breakfast.

"The boy who brought it is waiting for an answer," said the footman as he delivered the note.

Ben took it, read it, and sighed. "I'll come straight away, is the answer. Have the carriage prepared."

The footman gave a curt bow. "Very well, sir."

Ben was not in the least surprised to find the three oldest Thackery brothers congregating in Isaac's study. He was, in fact, grateful for the presence of Ezra and Tobias, whom he considered more reasonable than the preacher with aggressive tendencies.

"Gentlemen," Ben greeted, cordial despite the tense atmosphere. He allowed himself a wry smile. "Let us get to it, shall we? What are your concerns and demands?"

"Isaac says he found you and Kitty alone last night in my study," Ezra spoke. "Is that true?"

"Yes." Ben nodded. "Your cousin wandered in through the servants' door just as we were leaving your study last night. We had a little chat."

Isaac slammed a heavy hand on the desk which sat between him and his visitor. Tobias stood off to one side, and Ezra leaned against a corner of the desk.

"A little chat?" Isaac repeated. "You've got some nerve, Mr Hawkins, mocking us from your position."

Ben chuckled. "Yes, indeed, I have got nerve. Nerve is what it takes to succeed with integrity. I am beginning to be less sure that that is something you possess."

"How dare you!" Isaac rose to his feet. "In my own home! I will not tolerate your insults!"

"Then why have you asked me here?" Ben didn't stand from his seat, staring up with resolute calmness at the rage brewing in the preacher's eyes.

"Ben, please," Ezra intervened to assuage the conflict. "This is a serious matter. Kitty's safety is at stake."

"Kitty's safety?" Ben bit back. "Or Mr Thackery's upstanding reputation? Either way, it is not I who is a threat to it. I would never hurt Miss Thackery, and the only other person who can tarnish her honour is standing right in front of me."

"Just a little chat, you said?" Tobias cut in, his voice even. "She was sitting on a desk."

"So what would you have me do, Inspector? Forcefully marry a poor girl because of some righteous punishment imposed on me? What about her? Does she get a choice? Or will she be irrevocably punished for sitting on a desk in a room with a man?"

Tobias pondered. His gaze travelled to Ezra's frown and a subtle nod passed between the brothers.

"Your father has been a friend to our family for many years," Tobias told Ben, "so I may be predisposed to hold some faith in the Hawkins name. It should go without saying, but I am saying it anyway: please don't let anything like this happen again."

Ben brought a hand to his heart. "For what it's worth, you have my word."

Tobias nodded to himself. "Very well. I believe we're done here, gentlemen. Mr Hawkins, I heard you come in a carriage. Yours or a cab?"

Ben stood up, straightening his morning jacket. "Mine. Can I take you somewhere, Inspector?"


Kitty was too depressed to get out of bed all morning. Even Ruth, late-sleeper that she was after her evening performance on stage, worried for her cousin's well-being. Kitty barely touched the breakfast Kezia had eventually sent up to the girls' room.

"You're still here?" Ruth exclaimed, upon her return after noon from some miscellaneous errand.

Kitty grunted and turned her back to her cousin, pulling the duvet over her head. Ruth discarded her hat and gloves on the dressing table and perched herself on the corner of the bed.

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