About Misaki Yukimura

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Sir Name- Yukimura

Name- Misaki

Age- 16

Grade- 1 at the start. 2 later on.

Birthdate- October 27

Horoscope- Scorpio (Persons Name) has a calm demeanour about them. They are also passionate and ambitious. Friends and family have a hard time to figure out who they really are as their outwardly care nature can be a bit mysterious. You would be surprised to know that inside their highly motivated and passionate. They take care of the things/ people you care about, as well as things they want to accomplish -any amount of work necessary to accomplish it-

Blood type- AB

Traits- Positive: Calm, collected, blunt, straightforward, helpful (to those who need it), caring (to those she is friends with), Violinist, sarcastic. Negative: Deadly riser, emotionless, past haunter, over-working, dangerous.

Height- 5'5"

Relatives- Yumi (Step Mother)
Shuji (Father-Deceased)
Ayaka (Mother-Deceased)

Rose colour- Dark blue: Cool, passive and fidelity.

Appearance- short black hair. Black medium rimmed glasses. Frosty blue eyes. Third smallest in the club.

Fears- The sea and medication.

Likes- Sleep, violins, sweets, sushi, marshmallow(Cat), friends, reading, music.

Dislikes- Waking up, her past, memorys, medication, the ocean, Yumi.


Just some personal information 'bout her. ^-^


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