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You and Harley have been dating for 2 years and 3 months

I'm at Harleys house and we're all in the living room. We'll just Ethan, Lewie, Beast, Daphne, Harley and me. I have my hand on Harleys thigh and I'm rubbing it softly.

We're watching tv and I'm talking to Ethan while they are watching the movie. "Guys can you quiet down. We're trying to watch a movie." Harley says. While putting her finger above her lip.

"Oh yeah my bad love." I say as I see her cheeks go red. I love that I still make her blush even after 2 years. "Dude and when we couldn't get pass the first boss level." Ethan says as he laughs. "Dude I couldn't stop laughing because we both were yelling." I say while laughing too. Harley then picks up a pillow and hits me with it. "Guys I told you to be quiet." She says leaving the pillow on my lap.

I remove my hand from her thigh. She looks at me with her eyes saying why did you move it? I grab the pillow and smack her thigh with it. "Bad idea y/n. Bad idea." Ethan says shaking his head. I turn to him and hit the top of his head. He grabs a pillow and starts hitting me with it. We both stand up and start hitting eachother. We accidently hit Daphne and she grabs a pillow and starts hitting both of us. We both hold up our pillow In defense.

"DAMN ETHAN WHY IS YOUR SISTER SO STRONG?!!" I yell at Ethan. "I DONT KNOW BUT WE NEED HELP!" Ethan yells back. "LEWIE BEAST HELP US!" I yell at them. They grab a pillow and yell "PILLOW FIGHTTT!!"  They all hit one another while i get tackled from behind me. "Who is on me?" I ask. "Hey baby." Harley says. I hear her smiling too. "Mind if I take your pillow?" She asks while getting up. "No I think I'll keep it. Thanks for asking." I say giving her a smirk.

She then grabs one end of the pillow and I have the other. We both pull and it breaks open having feathers in the air. They all stop and me and Harley are just laughing. We both see 2 other pillows so we grab one and join the pillow fight again.

Time skip-

The boys and Daphne are all asleep while I'm on my phone watching tiktoks with Harley. I'm laying on her chest right now as we are laying on the floor.

"That was fun." I hear Harley say. I pause the video and look up to her. "Yeah that was fun. Got them very tired too." I say looking at them sleeping. "Wasnt fun how you guys kept talking over the movie tho." Harley says. "Hey but the conversation was good. We seriously couldn't get past the first boss." I say while chuckling. She smiles and I admire her. "What do I have something on my face?" She asks rubbing her cheek. "No you don't. I just still can't believe how you managed to put up with me for the past 2 years." I say still looking at her. I see her blush and look away. "I'm serious amor. Like we HATED eachother to the point where you didn't want to sit next to me in class." I said.

"Only because I had the fattest crush on you and still do." Harley says making me smile. "And I wanted you to sit next to me so I could make a move. Turns out I was already friends with your brother." I say smiling. "Shut up." She says looking at the celling.

I bring her head down to look at me with my hand and look at her lips then her eyes then lips then eyes, lip, eyes, lip, eyes, i lean in doing the same and the last thing I do before closing my eyes is look at her lips. We makeout until breathing becomes a problem. We've been together for over 2 years and i still feel butterflies and fireworks and sparks when we kiss. We pull away and i look into her eyes. "You still feel that too right?" Harley asks. "I still feel it and it won't ever go away mi amor." I say laying back on her chest.

"My big baby." Harley says. "I'll only admit it when only you can hear me." I say softly feeling my eyes heavy. She gives me head scratches before asking for my phone. "Babe can I use your phone I left mine upstairs." Harley asks me. "Yeah sure go ahead you have Face ID you don't have to ask." I say with my eyes close. "You trust me?" Harley asks. "Of course I do babe. I also have nothing to hide so take it when ever you want love." I say.

I want this to last forever.

860 words.

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