French class? (J.O)

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AI wrote this story since I haven't been active on here lately..

Jenna and y/n were best friends who met in their high school French class. They discovered that they both had a passion for art, music, and cooking. They spent many hours together, creating sketches in the art room, singing along to their favorite songs in the choir room, and trying new recipes in Jenna's kitchen.

One day, Jenna decided to host a small dinner party at her home. She invited y/n and a few other friends. As they spent the night laughing and sharing stories, Jenna realized that she had developed romantic feelings for y/n. She was nervous about telling her how she felt, but she didn't want to keep it a secret any longer.

Eventually, Jenna decided to take the risk and tell y/n how she truly felt. To her surprise, y/n felt the same way and the two girls ended up kissing for the first time. It was a magical moment that they would never forget.

From that day on, Jenna and y/n were an inseparable couple. They spent every moment together, sharing their dreams and aspirations with each other. They supported each other through good times and bad, and their love only grew stronger with each passing day.

Jenna and y/n may be fictional characters, but their love is real and eternal.

236 words..

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