Till death do us part? (T.C)

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You and Tara are 1 year into y'all's relationship until Tara did something you never expected.



This is what losing someone feels like-JVKE


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6 months ago.

"You know what I was thinking?" Tara says to me. "What's that?" I ask while turning the motor off since we are on a boat. I walk over to her and crouch in front of her since she is sitting down. "Let's get married." Tara says looking into my eyes. "D-don't we need like a- like a preacher or something? And what about the rings?" I ask Tara. "What about rings? I mean for future reference I like princess cut, emerald cut." She says. " I got an idea." I say taking my bandana off from my neck as she continues talking. "Never pear shape." She says. I rip my bandana on one of the sides and she gasps. "Princess cut! My favorite." She says smiling big. "I give you this, sweaty piece of my mother's bandana." I say walking over to her. She lifts her hair up as I continue talking. "It's a token of my love." I whisper. I place it around her neck and tie it in the back. She lets her hair down and fixes it up a bit as I sit in front of her. "It's perfect." She says. " yeah?" I whisper. "By the power invested in me, by the sky, the stars, and the sea. I pronounce us wife and wife." She says smiling big. "Through sickness and health, the rich and poor, till death do us part." I say holding her hands. "You may kiss the bride." She says. We both smile big and go in for a long and passionate kiss. We pull away and she says. "Can we get a dog?" "Okay Tara." I say chuckling and patting her shoulder. "Let's get a dog!" She says smiling at me. I smile and look down to my feet.


Y/n pov-

One year into the relationship and I've never been happier. Although I wanted to spend the night with Tara she said she was with her friends. So me and JJ decided to inviteJohn B, Pope sarah and Kie over last night. But now I'm with Tara in my room.

"Before we go anywhere, before we do anything. I have something I need to tell you." Tara says. I look at her not paying attention to the my favorite football team playing their game that was on my tv. "Okay sure what's up?" I say putting all of my attention on her. "I made a mistake." She starts off. I tilt my head like our confused dog we got. "A-and it's not something I planned and it's definitely not something I would ever do again." She says taking a deep breath in. "It can't be that bad Tara, just tell me what happened." I say. "I kinda hooked up with Chad." Tara admits. My head straights out and my eyes go wide for a slit second. I just stay quiet. "It was a mistake. And I want to be with you and I don't want to hide anything." She continues. I just stay quiet. Hurt. "Please say something." Tara says about do cry. "I trusted you." I say just above a whisper and about to cry. She looks down at the floor feeling guilty. "Till death do us part?" I say. "Please." Tara says. "I cant be with you knowing you cheated on me Tara. As much as I do love you I can see you doing it again and again knowing I will take you back every single time. We're done." I say. "Y/n/n please im sorry. Babe I'm sorry it was a mistake. I love you!" She says crying. I start to cry hearing her say I love you to me knowing she doesn't mean it. "If you loved me then you wouldn't have done it Tara. Leave please." I say wiping my tears away. She leaves and closes the door.

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