Memory breathing

433 5 18

Okay so I'm not good at describing the breathing style so I'll try my best

Btw, I forgot to mention this, this book includes:

- suicide mentions

- swear words

- gore

- G̵̻̥̙̺̯̹̹͉͎̳̃̎̈́͘͘͜͠l̸̺̀̿i̵̯̒̌̔̈́́̐́͌̎́͝ţ̶̝̻͍͉̩̌͊͑͂͘c̸̠̰͈̠̙͈̠̀ͅḧ̴̳̞̖͛͒̐̆̈́̒̄̕͠


There's only 8 memory breathing styles
(You created memory breathing by yourself)

This is your katana (picture is not mine):

This is your katana (picture is not mine):

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Memory Breathing:

Memory breathing; First form: shards of memories

Distracts the opponent by giving it a flash of their memory from the past. The more focused they are on that specific memory, the harder it will be to snap into reality. 5 seconds of flashback is 1 second in reality. Memories shown either triggers them or scares them or they want to know more about it. This also lets demons bring back a bit of their humanity
(ex: let's say that a demon had a memory or flashback of an important person, place, or object).

Memory breathing; Second form: truth behind reality

When using this style, this will reveal the truth of what actually happened during a event that caused the human to become the demon they are now. This will make them regret what they had done. Some demons may not admit that what they see is the truth.
(ex: so you used this breath style on a random demon and let's say that before they became a demon, they thought that their parents tried to kill them but after using the breath style, they realized that they were actually trying to help them).

Memory breathing; Third form: trauma

This breathing style will bring back a disturbing memory making the demon freeze in fear.  It can also show their worst fears too. (I would say like a panic attack for the demons)
(ex: let's say a you used this technique on a demon and they saw their worst fears [muzan is a possibility or dying in sunlight]. Or they saw a disturbing memory.)

Memory breathing; Fourth form: calm daylight

This breathing technique gives the demon a pleasant memory like seeing the one they treasured the most or seeing something that makes them happy. (It's like they are on cloud 9)
(ex: you used this technique on a demon and it makes them forget about the present and future and makes them focused on their beloved or something important to them that makes them happy).

Memory breathing; Fifth form: mixed memories

This breathing technique confuses the demon by showing memories that weren't theirs but similar.
(Author-Chan is getting lazy TvT)
(ex: when you use this breathing technique, it shows the from you are currently fighting a memory that's not theirs. Basically tricking them into think that another demon's memory was theirs)

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