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Natalia's POV

I sit at my desk, calmly opening my email, seeing notifications pop up left and right from spam and different sites. I notice one bookmarked email that is titled "City Hall Interview." My heart begins racing as I click on the email. I got interviewed about six days ago. This could I either make or break my life. I begin reading.

Dear Ms. Wright,

After careful consideration on your application to this job, we have formed a response. Due to your previous experience in other parks, we are delighted to hear that you would enjoy becoming a member of our lovely Pawnee family. Your start on Monday, next week. Come to the Parks and Recreations Department side of the building and I'll show you around.

Leslie Knope

My mouth had already hung open, as I finished the email. I sat there, stunned. My roomate came into my room, "Hey, where did you put the pizza bagel- What's wrong? Who do I need to kill- talk to..kindly?" She said, 'messing up' her words. I sat there as my face split into a smile. "I got it," I whispered. "I GOT IT, SERINITY. I GOT ITTT!!" I screamed. Serinity's face also dropped into a gorgeous smile.

Once we finished celebrating, (drinking and dancing and jumping like toddlers,) we decided that I need to make a great first, technically second impression. "What should I wear?" I said, looking in my closet. Monday was TOMORROW. "Try a dark green pantsuit." She said, peering over my shoulder. "I don't have any? I should probably get one though, OH!" I said, noticing a black pantsuit on the far left of my closet. "Ehhe..?" I said, gesturing at myself. Serinity's mouth dripped open, "Girl, any woman would be groveling at your feet." She teased, beginning to bow in front of me, mimicing the non-existent responses. "Oh, please, Ms. Wright. Let me turn you into a Mrs!"

I laughed at her and told her to get up."Okay, it's settled." I put the clothing away and hopped into bed, tomorrow was a BIG day.


Next morning arrived quicker than expected. The sound of my alarm, startled me awake. "It wasn't me officer!" Serinity said, shooting straight up in her bed. I roll my eyes and terminate the clock sound. " Go back to sleep, I'm going to work." I said softly, rolling out of bed. I put my suit on and began brushing my teeth an doing my morning routine. I was NOT going to be late or look bad for my first day. The first five impressions on someone are the most important. Give them a week to see how great you can be, and then let loose a little.

I hopped into my car and started driving to the address, gripping the steering wheel as if my life depended on it. My heart pounded in my chest as I arrived at the building. I turned off the engine and just sat in my car. "This job means too fucking much to me," I chuckled to myself as I grabbed my black satchel and stepped out of the car. A nervous feeling started to bubble up in the pit of my stomach, making me walk slowly. I shook my head, and started walking quickly to the door, immediately met my a pacing Leslie in the halls. "Ms. Knope!" I called to her. She continued walking. Shit, she didn't hear me. I jogged up to her. "Ms. Knope, I-" She cut me off.

"I'm sorry don't have time right now." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ma'am, I'm new in this department, I-" She cut me off again. "Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry! I forgot you were coming!" She said, turning to me with a worried look on her face. "It's okay, ma'am. I was just having trouble finding where I'm supposed to go, I just got lucky finding you." Leslie smiled at me. "Well, I'm Leslie Knope." She stuck her hand out for me to shake, as I took it gratfully. "Natalia Wright," I introduced myself.

"Oh, Chris is gonna love that one," Leslie quietly laughed to herself. Huh? I shook my head of any thoughts and just followed Leslie down the hall into a room, where there were multiple people standing, or lying down. Someone was playing darts with a woman's face plastered on the board. I suddenly felt very self conscious as I felt a pair of eyes bore into me from behind. I didn't dare turn my head, not yet. "Guys, I would like you to meet Natalia Wright, our new employee who offered to work here at the Parks and Recreations Department!" A bunch of eyes landed on my and a lot of murmurs were heard.

"Well, I'm Donna," A woman with short black hair and a dark chocolate skin tone came up to me and stuck her hand out. I gladly shook it. Another man came up to me. "Chris Treager." He said, as I shook his hand. "Natalia Wright." He suddenly stuck his finger in my face, my biggest pet peeve. "Natalia." He paused. "Wright." I nodded my head, slightly furrowing my eyebrows. I looked over to Leslie for some sort of clarification of his behavior, but she just laughed softly. I was shaking hands for the next 2 minutes.

Multiple threats and compliments, some not work appropriate from a man named Tom. "Now, there was two more people....April!" Leslie called out as if she was calling for a dog. "April Ludgate! Andy Dwyer!" She said, sounding more stern like an angry mother. "Miss, it's okay if they're not here-" Leslie cut me off. "Call me Leslie, and no, it's not okay."

I sighed as someone came from around the corner with a woman behind him. I couldn't see her clearly. God, this was gonna take forever.

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