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Freen POV
Hi I'm Freen Sarocha. I'm 27 years now. It is already 7 years I left my home. I love my mom and dad but I couldn't bear the betrayal from my girlfriend Sarah who left me and married a man. I still can't believe it. We were together for 5 years from school. We played together. Got feelings for each other and developed a good relationship. My parents had agreed for our relationship but it was her parents who forced her to marry a man.

She could have runaway with me but she choose to be with that man. I couldn't believe she even have a child now. It hurts a lot. Now I'm just focusing on my work 24/7. I won't sleep much. Not even 2Hrs a day. I always run behind a basted who is a criminal in the eyes of law. Yes I'm an undercover agent. My family knows it. They try to contact me but I don't have courage to face them after breaking up with Sarah.

Now I was just firing at crack head who had bomb attacked the country once. He is firing heavily. So I also started to fire. Only sounds of bullets can be heard through out the area. Its not at all new to me I'm already doing for 7 years now. I don't have anyone now. I don't trust anyone. I'm all alone and don't feel anything for anyone. I'm without emotions a stone hearted tough lady.

Suddenly a bullet entered my stomach. I could feel it I felt drowsy when one more bullet passed my body.

Becky's POV
Hi I'm Becky adopted child of chankima family. I lost my parents in a accident when I was just 5. I was in orphanage home these many years. I complete my schooling but I wanted to be a doctor. But there was no one to make me study.

Freen's parents who met me in a program organised by orphanage adopted me as they really missed their daughter. They gave me love of my real parents and made me complete my dream. It's already 5 years I have come to there home. When I first came to them I saw dad was handicapped and mom still love him with full heart. She takes care of him.

I was so angry on Freen why she left them like this. She is a very bad daughter. If I had parents like her I would never leave them like this. However I have got my parents back. I was given Freen Room to use. I have went to the room. I was setting my wardrobe with my clothes and books. I saw a dairy in there. It was Freen's dairy.

I didn't opened to read it. I just ignored it as I hated her a lot. Dairy was lying in my room all these years.
I completed my degree and now I was on my internship in on of the famous hospital in the far city. I love to travel so I choose far away for my internship. Its already 5 years that I was adopted by my parents. I love them and respect them a lot. I even have my aunt and uncle who have a son Nop. He is the only brother of Freen he also misses freen a lot. I don't know exact reason why Freen was away from her home for this long years.

I have seen several times my mom holding her photo and sobbing. I really feel hurt. I always try to keep them happy. I went to the hospital as usual today there was a emergency in the hospital. It was evening already. I was about to leave but I saw a familiar face passed next to me. I rushed into the emergency ward with senior doctors. It was a emergency case and she was Freen. Finally I saw her in that bad condition I felt week. I came out of the ward and called mom and said "Mom P'Freen is in the hospital. She is injured a lot. I don't know what happened to her."

Mom said "Ok I'll reach there as early as possible." Her voice was shaking and I definitely know she was crying.

To be continued...........


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