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We buy the rings which I choose and went straight to hospital for Becky's session. She went for her session. I and Nop waited for her to finish. After a few minutes she came out. Nop said "You completed it fast today."

She said "Doctor said I have improved and I should keep on being happy."

He said "Oh phi you really are magical. She was having appointment for 2hours but she made it today in just 20min I'm proud you could keep her happy. Thank you phi I love you."

I just nodded and I know I'm already red. She also turned red. Oh does she love me? My heart beats crazily for her.

We all went to restaurant for eating out lunch. It was already late. I ate spicy food. Becky ordered sour food. It may be because of the pregnancy.

Nop said "Phi now will you join my company? You can help me with the work."

I said "what? I have never worked in a company and I like field work like firing..."

Becky said "stop Freen what are you talking. You can't go back to your work its dangerous. Just work with nop he will teach you."

I couldn't say anything because Becky asked for it. So I just nodded. After we completed the breakfast we went back to home. I called Kirk to say about my resignation. He is my colleague and friend. He also visited me in the hospital.

I called him and said "Hi Kirk. I wanted to resign my work."

He's said "But why agent 7?"

I said "I want to have family now."

He said "What?"

I said "Oh I forgot to invite you. I'm getting married this Saturday. Only 5days left."

He just sighed.

I said "Can I apply for the resignation?"

He said "Ok I'll meet you tomorrow."

I said "Ok come near the park near to my home."

He said "Ok bye." And hanged the call.

Becky came beside me and said "Who was it Freen?"

I said "Ha my colleague. I'm going to resign as you said my lovely wife."

She just nodded with shy. I giggled 🤭.

After a while we had dinner and we laid down next to each other. Today she didn't keep the pillow wall between us and I curdled her while sleeping. She didn't even argue with that. I hope she also loves me as I do.

I slept a sound sleep with her. She didn't have any nightmares today and I was happy with that. I got up before her. Now I felt better with my pain. I saw her sleeping like a child wrapping me.

I don't want to go away from her. She slowly opened her eyes. I said "Good morning sweetheart."

She was in shock. So I said "Sorry to scare you."

She said "It's ok Freen I'll get freshen up first."

I thought to tease her so I said "Even I should get freshened up. So that I can meet my colleague fast."

She said "But Freen I have to go to hospital to take holiday for a week."

I said "Then let's get freshened up together 🤭." I giggled.

She became shy and said "No fine you go first."

I said "No problem we can together..."

She cut my words by holding her hand on my mouth. My heartbeat raised. I kissed her hand. She took it away and said "ok go now."

I just nodded and went to the bathroom. After washing up I told Nop to drop Becky to the hospital. And I walked to nearby park.


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