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Freen POV
I was to sleep with aunt today as Becky said. I know she is scared that she would hurt me. I just agreed as I can't sleep alone for now.

I said "Mom what is Dad doing?"

She said "He is not awake since morning. Well I'll check wait."

I went behind her because dad never sleeps that much. I was afraid when I saw dad still sleeping. Becky came behind me. I signalled Becky to check dad. She went towards mom.

Mom called his name so many times he didn't wake up. While her tears fell. I went to comfort her and said "Mom he'll be fine don't worry."

But as Becky held his hand to check her eyes got tears and she looked at me and nodded no. I said "What happened Becky?"

She said "Freen dad is..."

I said "No you can't say that."

Mom went towards him and kept her hands on his chest while crying out his name loudly to get up. I cried and my knees became week so I fell on the ground crying. Becky came towards me to comfort but how can I be comfortable with my dad is no more.

My eyes were flowing continuously. As aunt and Nop were not in the home Becky called them. I just hugged mom and said "Mom be strong."

She leaned on my shoulder and cried. We both cried together. I didn't expect this day in my life. I was so broken. Even mom was so broken and after a few minutes Nop aunt came running as they saw us crying aunt hugged both of us while Nop took care of Becky.

All the arrangements were made for the funeral by Nop and we were not at all ready for this. Nop done all the rituals and I saw my dad's face for the last time. I was so sad. I had sent Becky with Nam to take care of her.

We went back to home. I went to mom's room. She was sobbing holding dad's photo. I hugged and cried with her. It's really a big loss for us. I never imagined this day. After a while we both were asleep but aunt comes to our room with food in her hand.

She tells us to eat but I couldn't keep a bit in my mouth. I feel full with emotions running in my head. Aunt fed mom first. When it was my turn I ran towards my room and closed the door.

I heard they were banging the door hard but my heart was beating more louder then that bang. Why god made me such weak with my inner emotions. I can be so brave and strong when it comes to my work. I sobbed whole night and slept on the floor.

Becky's PoV
I was sent to Nam's home but I was so worried about mom and Freen's condition. Really it's a big loss for all of us. Next day Nam took me to home after several requests. When I came home I saw mom was resting while aunty took care of her. I went towards my room but Freen had locked.

Nop came beside me and said "Becky you stay in Nam home for a while until.."

I said "No Nop I can't leave them hurt like this. You know Freen is still not feeling well. She should eat well and take tablets or she will get in trouble."

Nop said "But Phi is not opening the door since yesterday night. She has not eaten anything since yesterday."

I said "I'll make her eat please tell her to open the door."

Then we banged the door and I said "Freen baby wants to see you please come out."

After a few minutes Freen came out. I hugged her. Her eyes were swollen due to so my crying. She had become so week. Aunt came out from mom's room. She said "Freen first eat something."

But Freen didn't reply. I pulled her to dining table. I took food in plate and tried to feed her but she didn't eat. I got a idea. I said "Well baby see you're dad is not eating so will you also stay hungry?"

Freen said "why will it be hungry if I don't eat?"

I said "because if dad is hungry mom is also hungry. Mom won't eat anything and finally baby won't.."


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