Chapter 1

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Y/n POV++++

I looked at the sky it looked like it was about to rain. The cloud were pitch black. I grabbed my coat and left with an umbrella. I had to buy some essential groceries . Hope it doesn't rain. My house was located a bit away from town . I used to go to town by bus.

" Fuck ". I got goosebumps when ice cold drops fell on my skin. I opened my umbrella and in no time it started raining heavily.

I was walking along humming a song my steps stopped when I saw a dead body lying ahead. I hesitated but walked further.

He was a hybrid. I examined his white ears. A cat.

I sat beside him he had a deep wound on his ear. His shirt was soaked in blood. I slowly reached out my hand to touch him.

He moaned in pain as soon as my hand made contact with his ear.

He's alive.

" Hey!" I called him. He slowly opened his eyes. A tear left his eye. " Hey don't worry everything will be fine". I said and put my umbrella over him. If I left  him here he'll die for sure so I decided to take him home.

"Can you stand up?" That was the dumbest question I have ever asked. Idiot he can't even breath properly. He closed his eyes again. I gently put my hand on his waist and tried to lift him up. Ugh.

He was so freakin heavy. " Hey try to get up". I said holding his waist firmly. He pushed his body up a little. And finally he sat.


He's lying comfortably on the sofa. " I need to treat your wounds so can I take off your shirt". I asked for his permission. He nodded. I started unbottoning his shirt one by one.

He screamed in pain as soon as the alcohol came in contact with his wound.

I lastly bandaged his ear. " Done." I said. I sat beside him . He was wearing my baby pink loose shirt. His face was flawless.

" What's your name?" I asked him.
"J-Jungkook". He replied in a very low tone. I nodded and let him rest a bit.


It was 10 o'clock at night. I cooked dinner for both of us. He must be hungry. I placed all dishes on dining table and went to him. He was sleeping like a baby his hair were covering his eyes. I softly stroked his  hair and called his name . As he opened his eyes I removed my hand.
" May I bring you food?" I asked him. He nodded immediately.

Aww poor cat is hungry.

I fed him with my hand. " Did you like the food?" I asked him he again nodded. " You can sleep again if you want". I said. " N-NO I'm not sleepy". He said. " Do you wanna watch TV?" I asked him. He looked confused but nodded so I  played a movie and went to the kitchen with empty food tray.
I came back after washing dishes and sat beside him. He was so lost in the movie. I smiled to myself.

" How old are you?" I asked him. " 19". He replied." I'm 22..Your Noona."  I laughed . He was taller and bulkier didn't look 19. He didn't say anything.
I scratched his ear. He leaned in.
" Do you want me to stroke your hair?" I asked him. He nodded. I started stroking his hair gently. He was no more interested in movie . He closed his eyes and put his head on my shoulder. After a while he started nuzzling his face in crook of my neck. It was tickling. I chuckled. And caressed his cheek.

He loved cuddles.

I changed the channel as Jungkook was no more watching the TV.

" Some people claim to have seen a lion hybrid in the town, saying that the hybrid was in its human form and that it killed five dog hybrids so until our team catches that hybrid, you're requested to leave your homes only when absolutely necessary." News anchor spoke. Jungkook stopped nuzzling his face and looked at TV. I forgot to lock the door. I stood up.  "Noona where are you going?" He asked me. I smiled and patted his head. " The door is open, I am going to close it,what if that lion comes in and , you're  injured I can't risk it." I replied him. He nodded.


7 Days later--

Jungkook was totally healed. I asked about him but he was not ready to open up.

" Noona can I live here." He asked me. I smiled at him. He was waiting for my answer. " Sure if you're not adopted". I said. " No I'm not". He replied . He was very happy.

"Come here". I called him. He looked very cute when he smiled. He obeyed and came to me. I patted his head. He hugged me nuzzling his face in between my breasts. He's a big boy I used to get uncomfortable when he did this but now I'm already used to.. he's so cuddly. I kissed his head softly and started caressing his hair.
" Noona kiss me more". He said huskily. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He put his finger on his cheek and pouted cutely. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.


" Noona I'm going to town." He said. I was washing dishes in the kitchen.
" Why?" I asked him confusingly.
" T-To meet a friend." He said. I nodded. " I'll come back after tomorrow." He told me. " Okay be careful there". I said. He came to me and back hugged me. He kissed me on my shoulder.
I was watching television. It's only been few hours since Jungkook was in town and I'm already bored. I got used to him.


I opened the door in excitement. I was greeted by a strong hug.

"Noona I missed you". Jungkook said.
" I missed you too my precious jelly bean." He smiled cheekily. "Noona I brought you this." He showed me a beautiful bracelet then looked at me nervously.
" Don't you like it?" He asked. " I love it but this was not needed." I said.
" No, Noona this is a thanks from me". He said smiling. I nodded.

Chapter 1st completed..

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