First meeting

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Angelo, the youngest sibling out of 4 siblings. The older being Raph, and the middle being the disaster twins Leon and Dtron, the siblings were close, they trusted each other, maybe the younger ones got on Raph's nerves but they would talk it out.

But Ever since the Krang attack, the siblings bond was chipping away. Leo and Raph would get in pitty arguments over stupid little things, for example if Leo had missed training Raph would get on his back about how it's important to or if Leo wanted to have fun, Raph would give a stupid lecture that lead into arguments. This didn't bother Donnie at all due to the fact he would be in his lab to block out the sounds of their yelling but when Donnie wasn't in his lab he was focused on Mikey, his younger brother who didn't take the fights so well. He knew Mikey felt about fights especially ones that he can't fix. It bothered him, to the point where he would lock himself in his room with headphones on full blast and start spray painting his walls. But once he ran out of space he's been sneaking out at night and going up on the buildings trying to find the perfect spot, and when he did he spent most of the night painting it.


Miles a 16 year old kid that is Spider-Man. Yes the job was dangerous but it was fun, fantastic even! He still haven't told his parents yet only just his roommate and all the other Spider-people Uh things? No there was a pig...let's just say Spider-protagonist! Anyways. Miles is the only child so he doesn't have anything to worry about! Well for now that is, because his mom is pregnant and soon is going to have a baby. One day after a long night of patrolling his parents asked him if he wanted to come on a trip with them! he decided what can be the harm besides nothing sinister really happens only like someone needing their cat out of a tree or even a breaking and entering but the cops already got there first so to go on a trip with his family would be nice.

But 2 days into the trip the news came on and to Miles horror something sinister did indeed hit his precious home New York. His family watched in fear as they saw the disgusting monsters take down the news reporters and turning them into god awful creatures like them, Jeff tried calling the police station to see what was going on but there was no answer what so ever. They thought there was no hope and soon they will be infected by those things soon as well. But that was until one of the cameras that were still on caught a glimpse of 6 mysterious figures running towards the mothership! Some split up and took down one of the gross things! Miles looked closer and saw that it was April O'Neil one of his classmates! And some old guy that looked like Lou Jitsu! The family watched with a little bit of hope seeing these strangers fight

Soon after a while the ship exploded and the family cheered out of happiness seeing this happen! Miles swore to never leave the city again so that he could help out and make sure the people are safe.


Miles was patrolling one night, it was normal like any other night and so far nothing had happen. But at the corner of Miles eye he seen a figure jump from a building to the one right by him. Miles quickly turned invisible and slowly approached the figure, he thought for safety he should stay invisible. He made it to the same building as the figure and walked closer and saw that they had a bag with them full of spray paints! When the figure pulled down their hood miles stoped it was someone his age, their hair were in braids pulled back into pigtails and at the ends they were full of color such as red,yellow,purple,orange,blue, and turquoise. They had faint freckles scattered around their face and their skin was a beautiful milk chocolate color, this person was definitely the definition of beautiful. Miles turned un invisible and tapped their shoulder but was quick to be hit with a punch "Ow!"

Mikey felt someone watching him and when they felt a tap on his shoulder he was quick to throw a left hook a punch the person, when he turned around he saw...Spider-Man on the floor! Holy shit she just punched Spider-Man! "OHMEGOSH SPIDER MAN IM SO SO SORRY I-I DIDNT MEAN TO ARE YOU OKAY!" Mikey panicked, she just punched THE Spider-Man he could get arrested for this! Spider-Man put a thumbs up in the air before letting his arm fall back down after a few seconds he jumped up to his feet catching Mikey off guard "Wow that was quite a punch! Where'd you learn that?" What? Was Mikey not in trouble? "U-Uh well my brother showed me how to but are you sure you're okay?" Mikey was worried but also excited at the same time because well it's not everyday you meet Spider-Man right?! "Oh yeah I'm fine no worries!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah man!" Looked over to the side and saw a colorful mural "Wow..." Mikey followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at her mural "Oh you like it?" Mikey asked nervously "I love it! It's so colorful and really just cool!" Miles stared at the mural in awe he analyzed everything every color, every letter, every symbol, building everything it was just amazing... he remembered that there was someone right by him "I-I'm sorry I feel rude I'm Spider-Man, He/Him." Miles put out a hand for the boy to shake "Angelo any pronounce are fine!" Mikey gladly shook his hand and on the inside he was secretly fan-girling do to the faked they are shaking hands and talking to Spider-Man. He and miles let go and chat for a while, Miles doesn't believe in love at first sight but he could already tell he was in love with this beautiful person he knows he fell hard when he known he painted but he fell even harder when he and Mikey shared the same interest.

After 2 hours or so their conversation was cut short by Mikeys ringtone "Oh it's my brother do you mind if I take this?" They looked at miles "Oh no I don't mind go ahead." He smiled back at her, and Mikey smiled back before she got up and answered the phone and walked further away from where he and Miles were "chello~" miles heard Mikey in the distance "O-Oh!....What its not that late?...WHAT!....UHH...NONONONO I-ITS FINE ILL BE RIGHT THERE!" Mikey hung up the phone and went over to miles "Hey...I got to go home my brothers having a crapattack, apparently it's been 3 hours since I left." "Oh it's been that long! I'm so sorry for keeping you out this late!" Miles felt bad for keeping him out so late but he was also kinda disappointed that she had to leave, all he wanted to do was keep talking to them "Oh no man don't worry! I guess I just enjoyed talking to you I lost track of time." Mikey blushed a little and so did Miles "Can I have your number? Like to-uh I don't know maybe hang out again?" Miles suggested "Y-Yeah! That sounds fun!" The two teenagers exchanged numbers before saying goodbye to one another and going their separate way for the night.


Mikey was so excited! He talked to the Spider-Man THE SPIDER-MAN! AND He wanted to hang out again? AND HE WANTED HIS NUMBER!? It's like a dream come true! He always had a crush on him ever since he saw him on the news but never in his life he would expect to actually meet him and have a full conversation with him!

Before Mikey could open the door it slammed open and Ralph was standing their pushed off "Heeeeyyy..." she said nervously "House.Now." Yeah he was definitely pissed so she didn't even bother trying to say anything back to her older brother, so she walked in the house closing the door behind them. "Do you even know how late it is! What were you doing! You could have gotten hurt! You know better!" Mikey wasn't really paying attention, they were on cloud 9 at the moment, all they could think about was Spider-Man.

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