First Meeting again?

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"Dear brother Angelo time to go to the best place in the world!" Mikey shot up from his bed "Disney land!" Donnies smiled dropped "You mean the place where you have to spend money in order to have fun? And the place where your touching skin with sweaty,smelly,annoying adults and kids? No no no no no dear Sibling of mine we are going to School!" Mikeys smile dropped before they let themselves fall back in bed with the pillows covering her ears, oh how he hated school mostly because he's not with his brother since Donnie goes to a more smarter school called Visions or something like that. It took Mikey 5 minutes before she got out of her bed and took a shower before she was rushed out the door with his brother to start walking to school.
"Okay so I'm thinking about making changes to my hero outfit." Leo said walking confidently "SHHH LEO! No one can know we are hero's!" Raph whispered yelled at his younger brother "Right secret identity's and all that yeah yeah I know." He rolled his eyes "honestly we haven't had any problems come up because that spider man guys has been doing our job! He needs to lay off or something." Donnie rolled their eyes and Raph lightly shook his head "he's a hero Leo that's what they do! He patrols at night that's how he gets the villains, we should be doing that!" Donnie said putting their arms up and moving them while they talked, Mikey wasn't paying attention to any of them as because she was texting Spider-Man on the phone

SM:So when do you want to meet?

M:Hmmm probably tonight if that's okay with you?

Can't wait to see you again Angelo!

Mikey slightly blushed at the message they were even smiling so hard it seemed impossible, but she bumped into someone and he quickly apologized "I'm so so so sorry!" Mikey helped up the stranger "Nah it's okay man. I should've been looking where I was going." Miles looked at the boy and saw he looked a little familiar "Say do I know you?" Mikey took a moment to think but got nothing "I don't think go to Brooklyn?" Miles shook his head "Visions." "Oh well you probably met my brother Donatello! They goes to school there while me and my other brothers go to Brooklyn." The boy smiled "Ive met your brother! Their very quiet but is the top of our class." Mikey smiled bright glad you hear that her sibling is doing well in school and is still the same "I'm Miles, Miles Morales." He put his hand out to shake, Mikey took a moment before shaking his hand telling him his name "Michelangelo Hamato!" They two teens smiled at each other before they heard voices further in front of them calling Mikeys name "I gotta go hopefully I see you around Miles!" "Same see you Hamato!" Mikey ran further and turned around the block leaving out of Miles sight.

"Mikey where did you go?!" Reph shouted panicked looking all around for his sibling "Raph relax~ he's probably just talking to a friend." Leo said with confidence but was a little worried to because Mikey was the youngest and gets distracted a little easily "Raph's not worried about that! Raphs worried about him getting kid-" suddenly he heard a familiar voice and quickly turned around relived to see Mikey running toward him "Oh thank goodness!" Raph held Mikey in his arms "See I told you he's fine." Leo said relieved "hey guys!" Donnie turned around and saw their dearest friend April walking confidently towards them "Hey Apes." Leo waved "what's going on with...thisss." She looked at Raph holding Mikey as if his life depended on it "Mikey was gone for a little and Raph started freaking out." April replied with a hum after that saying that it 'makes since'

So sorry it's a short update😭 schools ending in 2 weeks so I'll upload more after!

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