Class of day one

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It was a class break and There was an ongoing event that everyone in the class are going to be going to oddsworld for an carnival trip, it was bright outside the sun was shining in the windows and slightly cloudy, it was day one.

Blake (blue) was in the back, he didn't want to interact with anyone that was in the classroom, he had his head down into his arms on the table because he was sleepy..

Calvin (crimson) was a seat ahead and Blake was behind him.. and he noticed Blake sleeping, seems like he kept admiring him silently, he had his chair slightly turned since he was talking to Gabriel

G: "Calvin, are ya listening?.."

Calvin nods his head silently "I'm sorry.. I'm just, worried."

G: "worried?.. hmm, seems to me Blake is perfectly fine!" He warmly smiled "Hes sleeping.." He turned his head to the window

Calvin seemed.. unusual and he sighed "it's something else.."

G: "what was that?.."

Ca: "nothing..."

Luke and Clyde (lime and cyan) are being the loudest in the room, they both are sitting next to each other live streaming (cyan had an phone to live stream on)

Pierce (purple) leaned back on his chair bored like usual, "this is taking forever.. damn hate this damn class.." he had whispered the last part, Pierce hated the feeling of being bothered by all the loud sounds in the classroom

Oscar (orange) was ordering food and was already getting doordash using his mom's credit card, he is going to be in so much trouble with his mother later.

Suddenly Pierce felt his arm get pulled by Clyde and he fell off his chair all though Clyde was holding onto him at the same time live screening him

C: "check this DUDE OUT!"

P: "Clyde! I don't wanna be in your DUMBass live stream!"

L: "Pierce has been kind of having an rough day, I think you should leave him alone all right? Come on.. man"

C: "okay Fine, let's leave the gay wad! Alone..! But first.." he hands the phone to Luke for an moment

Luke: "Clyde- why am I holding this-? Uh Clyde!- uh Whatever- I'm not letting this conversation be heard.. ever" he muted the live stream's audio for an minute

Pierce sighed deeply upset "I'm not gay for the last time-" he didn't feel any comfortable discussing his sexuality to Clyde

Clyde slightly laughed at Pierce "we know what you are, but whatever, you know I'm messing with you Pierce.. or should I say.. he got on his knee towards purple and he went up near Pierce's ear "paige lee."

Pierce sat there horrified, how did Clyde found out his dead name..

C: "you'll listen to me or I'll tell everyone in this class what you are, gay loser." he stood up and pushed Pierce backwards going back to his seat.

P: "you won't DARE SO!-" he pushed the shit out of Clyde

C: "I DARE SO YES! You might be gay!.. I seen you around with-" there was an fight now

Blake was sleeping and snoring, he couldn't hear the current fight going on..

Gabriel (green) didn't really mind Blake snoring since he was sitting right next to him, he smiled at Blake warmfully ignoring the intense fight happening in the background

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