Another Missing individual (part two)

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Pierce: "yeah.. I-I'm just scared of L-losing you Oscar.." he whispers to Oscar.
Oscar leans on Pierce weakly
Oscar: "m-me too..."
"i'm here now, we just need to-" coughs again
Pierce covers oranges mouth and Pierce started protecting Oscar more carefully almost like an Hug..
Oscar trying to stay silent
suddenly, the vent shaft opens on the other side
Pierce gets down lower with Oscar and he was crying quietly scared for himself and Oscar..
Oscar hugs Pierce, sounds like somebody is in the vent now Pierce hugs back and he puts his head onto oranges shoulder
"I'll... always protect You Oscar.. I'm So Sorry.. For everything I S-swear..." he was whispering to Oscar
orange again about to say something, but coughs up blood
the vent sounds are getting closer
Pierce was very silent but he turned off his flashlight he had because he didn't want to be seen once he heard the vent getting loud
"just be... very... Very... Quiet...." an very calm-sadish whisper
Oscar covers his mouth trying not to make noise
Pierce kept hugging Oscar and putting pressure on where he might be bleeding
Oscar Tightly closest his eyes, starting to accept his fate
the vent starts slowly creaking open
Pierce hugs more and he also closes his eyes
orange Tightly hugs purple while the vent shaft slams closed
it's dark and silent... All they can hear is the air flowing through the vents in the room.. then a crazed giggle breaks the silence
Pierce: "Oscar.. you're my fucking favorite best friend out of all of anybody else I ever met...just Know this.. And I'll always fucking Love you I swear man this is so fucked up on whats happening to Us.." Pierce sobs onto Oscar quietly as he whispered to Oscar
Oscar starts crying hearing this, and looks behind him to see who the killer is O:..S-Stay awa-
A knife slices through Oscar's torso
Pierce screams and he cried out "O-OSCAR!!!"
loud insane laugh
the figure knocks down pierce before Pierce realizes, the knife is up against his neck
Pierce was gasping scared and he gulped
"p-please-.. leave me and O-Oscar A-Alone.. okay?"
insane laughter and the knife raises Pierce gets a glimpse of who the figure is...
Pierce got mad "I s-said!.. LEAVE ME ORANGE ALONE! YOU FREAK!"
he pushes Penelope off though
Pierce grabs Oscar and he makes an run for the vent
Penelope stumbles over and throws the knife at Pierce
Pierce gasps in pain and he falls to his knees painfully trying to jump to the vent feeling an knife in his back side stomach
Penelope gets up and grabs the knife she pulls Pierce away from the vent
Purple was grunting and struggling to Move abit
Penelope chaotically smiles and is about to stab Pierce
Pierce: gets furious again and he stood up punching the Shit out of Penelope "FUCK OFF!
WILL YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE!-" Pierce grunts more and falls right next to Oscar because of the Stab wound in His stomach aching and he was hurting ALOT
Penelope shakes her head in pain from being punched
Then she picks the knife up and runs at Pierce
P: grabs Oscar and puts him behind himself and hes about to kick. Pierce was holding oranges hand tightly and he didn't realize that. He was just getting prepared to be in possible pain
Penelope stabs the knife into both of them at the same time
Oscar began coughing up so much blood
Pierce gasps more and hes struggling to breathe and he failed to kick Penelope
Penelope pulls the knife out
Pierce grunts loud and he again gasped louder then last time due to the strong pains hitting his stab wounds.
Pierce turned around and he saw Oscar bleeding more "N-No... O-Oscar .."Oscar was just laying there, in so much pain
Pierce crawls painfully to Oscar and he hugs him "I think... w-we're screwed.."
Oscar was struggling move, or even talk
Pierce sits up bleeding against an wall and he holds Oscar, Pierce was slowly bleeding from his month
"O-Oscar..." he had a quiet voice and Slow breathing trying to talk to OScar. Oscar suddenly leans on Pierce
Pierce starts crying weakly and he slowly hugs Oscar
Pierce slowly leans to the Floor with Oscar hugging him as blood paints the walls Behind him
orange looks at Pierce one last time before he dies
Pierce smiles at Oscar one last time and he hugs Oscar suddenly feeling No pain at All... it felt peaceful all of an sudden.. his blood felt warm and he could feel Oscar's hug. Penelope starts walking to Pierce
the blood was all over his clothes.. his hands covered in Oscar's blood..
Pierce felt so "sleepy" all of a sudden... but he slowly started closing his eyes putting his head onto Oscar's because it felt more comfortable. Suddenly.. Oscar takes all of his energy to put his arm around Pierce.
Pierce looks into Oscar's eyes as his eyes are closing "O...Oscar...say...ona...ra.." an very quiet voice Oscar could only hear
orange extremely weak, smiles and then he passes away. Not Alive.
Pierce dies with Oscar's in his arms.. Pierce soft smiled as well though...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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