This Place is not oddworlds. (Part two)

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G: "Luke, I found a block! But.. I don't know where the theater is.."
L: "hmm.. a theater sounds like a large echoing dark zone and then.. its sort of cold Because it might be dark in there, there's your theatre once you walk through your door!"
Gabriel: "I think we need to follow these arrows..."
Brooklyn in the background "I found one!"
L: "okay.. and Gabriel if you can't see, you can hold my hand and I'll try to guide you" Pierce was already looking for blocks because he was already tired enough being there
G: "ah..thank you luke.l can still see, but only a little.."
Blake was in the hallways and he made sure he wasn't being followed or anything.. he had an bad feeling unfortunately that things.. will not go right so he needs to hurry up and figure things out
L: "oh no.. I'm so sorry about your vision.." he shown real concern
G: "it's alright Luke, I'll be fine..!" smiles a little less warmly due to his depression about his vision so his happiness is starting to decline rapidly
Luke hugs Gabriel worried about him, he really cared a lot for Gabriel.. even if Gabriel didn't show he was upset, he knew. "alright lets go find some blocks now.."
G: "alright, i've already found two so far!"
L: "1 here.."
Blake collected like 6 blocks already and he was carrying them to the theater because it was heavy and they were large.
Calvin looked ahead towards Blake and he helped Blake with finding some blocks
Calvin collected Another one maybe the last
Gabriel noticed Blake seem to struggle
G: "Blake! do you need help?"
B: "n-no I got it-.." he almost falls backwards
Luke "caught" Blake and instead of catching blue he pushed him farwards
Brooklyn gasped in concern "oh shit!-" she was still holding onto her remaining block she found.
Blake slammed the blocks on the table and he fell down
Gabriel gets startled
G: worried "B-BLAKE!"
Ca: "Blake?! hey are you Alright? I could've helped you."
Gabriel helps Blake up nervously concerned
B: "I'm okay.. t-thanks, I appreciate it but it's my fault."
L: "sorry about that.."
Ca: "It's not your fault Blake!"
Blake: "Thanks anyways.. but let's continue."
Gabriel starts to help putting the blocks on the table
Luke put the one block he found on the table
purple came in with like 5 and he puts them on the table
soon they found all the blocks
Oscar didn't help at all, he was eating food
Purple left the theater and he looks at orange "where did you even find that.."
O: well, there's this food dispenser I found in a cool looking cave place! He continues eating
P: "uh.. okay nice.."
Pierce did seemed abit irritated
Unknown serious voice
"Well, it's the end of the day and you successfully collected the blocks! I've set up some rooms for you to sleep in tonight! So sleep well!"
B: "are you kidding me?! I don't want to stay here!! Let's go to oddsworlds before they close!"
Calvin had an extremely.. bad feeling, the voice was familiar to him. "well..."
G: "wait we're sleeping here..?"
Blake fucking falls over because he was tired of carrying blocks
C: "NO!! can we just go to oddsworld now!"
Luke kept rocking back and forth crying paranoid
Blake also felt some sort of secret worryingly fear inside of him feeling uneasy at sight
Gabriel: sigh this is cru-cute long yawn
Luke was feeling tired "okay.. where are the rooms, shadow person.."
the unknown serious voice tells them where their rooms are
Luke starts walking
B : didn't feel as tired but he probably should go to bed like everybody else so he starts walking
Gabriel goes where he was told to go
C: followed as well quickly Pierce also followed
Gabriel lays down on the rug, because that's the only soft place to sleep in the room he is in
the rug is big so 2-3 people can sleep on it Oscar gets some food from the cave room
Luke sort of sleeps on the bed near green because he was still abit scared
Gabriel soon falls asleep peacefully
Blake was struggling to fall asleep and he was on a shelve because he wanted to have some space. Blake used his hoodie as an blanket and'
his arm as an pillow.. it was indeed maybe painful just a little bit.
Pierce slept on one of the beds that had a purple color on it.. something about the color purple always made him feel safe.
Calvin went to bed feeling anxious about the next day, knowing the truth was weighing on him. He didn't want this for himself and his friends, he hasn't been socializing that well, he was already dealing with what might happen.
Brooklyn sighed falling asleep last bothered by the fact she won't go to oddsworld today, she doesn't know where she is..

sometime during the night while everyone was asleep. Oscar ended up going Missing. Nobody was awake to see what happened.

Blake woke up slowly "erm. what time is it.."
Unknown serious voice loudspeaker
"Good morning everyone! It is now 8 AM! your task will start in half an hour."
Blake was still exhausted from yesterday with all of those blocks and he was kind of grumpy "erm.. no thanks... I'll sleep in.."
this scares Gabriel awake "ah." He sighed "that scared me.." he rubbed his own eyes with another exhausted sigh..
Luke yawns and he was abit irritated "why now..?"
G: a cute yawn came out "well. I guess we need to find food packs now.."
Luke yawned and he stretches "good morning everyone.." he was near Gabriel sitting up.
Blake looked dead when he fell down
G: "B-Blake..?"
Luke was spooked for sure and he screamed abit"BLAKE!.."
Blake opens his eyes slowly "ouch my head..."
Pierce got up due to not seeing Oscar nearby or in sight. and he left the room to go check up on Oscar to go to the nearest bathroom
"OSCAR!! you better not be sick!" He checked if any of them are locked or theres any feet showing under them
Gabriel has the urge to hug Blake. and then he would hugs Blake
G: are you okay, Blake?
B: "yeah.. I forgot I was sleeping up there I guess"
Blake hugs green back ofc
Gabriel smiles warmly at Blake

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