This Place Can't be oddworlds.

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//Note from the Owner, Alex: hey guys I apologize for having this series being on an cliffhanger every few months, I'm dealing with stuff constantly and my own mental health in life so of course this might happen, but welcome back everyone whos reading and I suggest checking out chapter 2 again, I added extra content near the end, and been busy with school so I haven't had the time for anything. Like continuing to write this, but lucky I found some motivation and I continued to write some more, you should be able to see a few chapters get posted! I do however soon plan to add more characters and scenes. //

Everyone slowly started to gain consciousness, the appearance of a white and black checkered floor in the room they all woke up in.

an serious unknown voice can be heard. "Welcome.." this has caused everyone to either jolt awake or just disturbed everyone's sleep.

Luke adjusted his eyes immediately and he slightly made an painful squeak an mixture of an groan when he noticed his leg was scraped badly "Crap.. my leg, it hurts, wait what's.. what's that?" He have realized he heard someone just spoken in from the speakers in the ceilings and he was still trying to understand himself what was going on

Clyde jolted awake "it's.. m-mr evil man! Oh god!" he had some volume in his voice and he screamed for no reason confused.

Luke looks at clyde "dude oh shut up you don't even know that! Let's find out first before judging on hand, it could be someone trying to help us." He kept holding his leg putting pressure on it due to the wide scrape cut on his leg

Clyde looked at luke "oh, sorry.. I just wanna know where we are, still he's evil I said what I said! And that's my first impression of him!" He slipped trying to run to absolute nowhere and an dramatic scream can be heard.

Luke sighed shaking his head slightly

Pierce woke up immediately startled and he was adjusting to his surroundings worriedly "where are we to be exact..?"

Luke looked at pierce and Clyde. "Guys.. we need to wake up, I think an voice woke us up and, they said "welcome" I'm pretty sure."

Clyde looked at Luke "so that's what I heard..?"

Pierce looks at Luke concerned. "What did you hear? I heard something too."

Luke looks at pierce with an slight annoyance. "I said, that dude on the speaker said "welcome." This is why you need to pay attention."

Gabriel started to open his eyes as he was laying there on the ground "h..huh..?" He was trying to adjust his vision but it would take longer due to him already having issues with his vision, and he's in slight pain due to his injuries

Blake gained consciousness and he sat up slowly with some painful groans as he rubs his head. "What's.. what's going on?" He was confused, and trying to recall what happened

And Oscar next to Pierce gained Consciousness and he sat up immediately ignoring his own injuries and such looking for his stuff and becoming mad

Brooklyn woke up to the sound of Oscar being angry and she groans sitting up.. "what.. the hell?"

Luke looks at Blake and Oscar, Brooklyn "so.. if you guys don't know what's going on, an voice from the speakers said "welcome" and whoever that person was, they stayed silent afterwards."

Another voice from the speakers can be heard after an static sound came through first and then an voice itself. "I need your help with something.."

Oscar screamed frustrated realizing he might be kidnapped as that was his thought "NOOOO, ODDWORLD! I WANTED DORITOS!"

Pierce started to think after seeing Oscar's mental breakdown over some Doritos.. "hey guys, I don't have my backpack, does anyone else in this room have their own stuff? If anyone has anything on you."

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