Missing individual (one)

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Pierce came back panicked and he falls on the ground out of breath
C: "purple whats wrong with you now??"
Gabriel smile fades and looks at Pierce
"What's wrong..?What happened Pierce?"
P: "Oscar...hes...breathing hard..hes... Missing"
B: "how did he go missing...?"
P: "I checked the bathrooms and the cave.. and hes not.. not there and those the places he likes to be."
G: -worried- "m-missing? oh no... I hope we'll find him!"
Luke sighed distressed
G: "m-maybe he got stuck somewhere.."
KIDNAPPED!!" Clyde hides under the bed
L: "you're not helping Clyde.."
Pierce starts sobbing into his knees
G: P-Pierce..green hugs Pierce gently
Pierce cries into Gabriel shoulder "I.. need
O-Oscar.. we need to find him.."
L: starts shaking abit "why can't that shadow figure tell us where we are.."
Gabriel continues to hug Pierce kind of not knowing what to say.. he was just Numbed by the situation at this point but at least Gabriel and Blake will help Pierce with finding Oscar so they began looking for Oscar.
Clyde and Luke walk around to help pierce tind orange
Gabriel starts to see some blood but is unsure if his eyes are tricking him because green is %75 blind now.. G: "Oh- wait.."
Pierce looks down at the ground "u-uhm is this blood..? Oh no.. out in the open too?.. this had to been recent.."
G: he was shaky "wait t-that's real??"
L: "uh oh..."
C: Shaky breath "We got to get out of here!.."
P: "Uh.. I hope that isn't oranges blood..-" he follows the blood
soon The smell of blood gets stronger
C: he felt sick smelling it
Pierce seemed like he could stand the smell of blood for some reason.. due to maybe it's someone he knew? Who is it?

a door is in front of purple

Pierce looked back and he noticed that the others couldn't stand the smell.. that well
"its fine.. you guys don't need to come with me.."
Clyde an off because he was about to throw up
L: "yeah.. I think I might stay behind with Gabriel.. that smells horrible-.." Luke is holding his nose
the door is locked
Pierce sighs wondering if this is really Oscar or Not
Pierce turned around about to walk away not sure if it's actually him or not. "sure he has metallic blood but.. I think he's dead if it's strong.." he was really Upset
O: "H-Help.. quiet and muffled
H-hello..? Pierce..?"
when Pierce turned around Pierce thought he had heard Oscar in there
Pierce turned around immediately "O- Orange!?.."
"Oscar are you Okay.. what h-happened! Can you hear me?!"
Oscar: muffled "I don't really know..."muffled weak coughing "but something t-tried to kill me..left m-me here..."
Pierce was panicking and he kept trying to open the door "don't worry O-Oscar!- I'll help you as soon as I can!.. just hold on o-okay!?"
Pierce was trying to not cry "i-it won't Open!..but don't worry I'll get help or s-something.."
O: muffled weak coughing
Pierce kept trying to get the door opened by kicking it or banging it "it won't budge o-open.." Pierce started crying and he weakly punched the door because he is getting stressed..
Pierce kept banging the door and trying to kick it down. "It wont bulge open!!.. don't worry I'll.. find some help or something! Don't worry."
Oscar sounds very weak
"Pierce..it hurts..e-everything..hurts...h-help..."
Oscar sounds very weak
Pierce..it hurts..e-everything..hurts...h-help... cough
Pierce: "i-i know it does!.. just hold on.. u-uhh what should I do!.." he grabs out an flashlight from his pocket and starts checking the basement door trying to find an hole or some sort to break in
Pierce was crying now and he tell to his knees "O-Oscar...theres no o-other opening for this door... I'm trying!!.."
Pierce was trying to open the basement door with his hands trying to get under the door but its just metal. He continued to groan in frustration with sobs
G: "worried what's wrong purple? what's in there?"
Pierce: "it's orange!! Quick come over he-..." He was hallucinating it because he is stressed out badly.. seems like he needs an hug. "GABRIEL?! GABRIEL! W-Where'd you go!!.. SOMEONE-"
Pierce noticed a tool that can help open the door
Pierce quickly ran over to grab it and then he started trying to use it with distressing grunts

the door is starting to open..

Oscar weakly looks at Pierce
He's all bloody..
Pierce sticks his head out struggling to get in "Orange!.."
"oh god Oscar .. what the hell happened to you.. I'm about to come in and help you! Don't worry okay!"
O: I don't really know... weak cough but something t-tried to kill me..left m-me here...
Pierce pulled Oscar gently "it's okay now..
I'll try to get you out stay calm."
P: "jeez.. you're very injured.." he had blood on his hands now "I'm so sorry Oscar.. I'm.. s-sorry.. that I wasn't really nice since the last time we talked.. I promise when I get you out of here I'll be better.-"
O: "I-I don't know..Pierce...
I've lost..s-so much blood.. and it's okay...
1..forgive y-you.." Pierce starts crying abit and he sort of hugged Oscar due to him still being stuck halfway through the door
"I'm going to get out you out of here.. I promise orange.. and I'll give you more Doritos and McDonald's you..you idiot.."/pos, he had tears in his eyes
O: weak smile and hugs Pierce..."T-thank you..but..Y-You don't...have to do.. that.."weak cough
Pierce smiles abit as he kept pulling onto Oscar "okay.. you're almost there..and.. Oscar I'm going to find who did this to you.. and they will get what they deserve.." Pierce still had some tears in his eyes falling down
Oscar wipes pierce's tears away
O: "..thank you.purple...There's s-something. important I've wanted to say for..awhile..."
Oscar hugs Pierce back and feels like he'll might get dragged across the floor soon
O: "Pierce.. i'm scared.."
Pierce saw the strange dark figure immediately panicking inside with fear but trying to seem calm on the surface and he come closer and he holds onto Oscar shaking
"just don't I-look behind you OK?.." as Pierce started to pull Oscar holding onto him tight. kept trying to pull orange further away from the figure. Oscar holds purple tighter, and is trying to get out of the room
O: "quietly to purple can you see who it is? I don't want to die..."
Pierce kept holding onto Oscar trying to pull himself and Oscar out but it's not working "I don't k-know!! Shit!!-" he saw the figure coming even closer
Oscar gets more scared the closer the figure gets
O: "Pierce.."
Pierce holds more tighter onto Oscar and he tried to see in the dark for something to throw at the strange black figure approaching even more
"You're going to be fine O-Oscar! Just don't I-let go!!"
Pierce grabbed an glass bottle nearby and threw it at the figure thats standing in the dark
he went back to holding onto orange quickly though
"FUCK YOU!!!" Pierce threatened it
the figure makes a hurt/grunt sound and seems to now be mad
orange continues to hold on to purple, now tighter
O: Purple I wanna tell you something!
"GET AWAY FROM US!!" Then he looks at Oscar holding onto him more "OSCAR NOW ISNT..THE..time...!" he wrapped his arms around Oscar scared for him Pierce started crying abit more and he stared at Oscar "I don't know if I can hold on much I-longer!! I feel like you're about to get ripped away any minute now!" Pierce put his head onto Oscar shoulder as in an hug with him attempting to pull him with force now since the figure is starting to pull as well. Oscar grip weakened a bit
Oscar sadly smiles at Pierce. orange: thank you..but this is very important Pierce..."
Pierce was starting to struggle now because the pull felt like it was getting stronger but he didn't dare to let go..even if it caused alot of pain in his arms and body he started feeling Oscar slipping out of his arms slowly
"o-okay..O-Oscar ..." Purple had tears rolling down his cheeks.. and he was gasping and grunting trying to hold longer.. longer.
the figure tugs on Oscar
O: gasps a little too hard, and coughs P-Pierce! the figure tugs Oscar again, even harder
Pierce screamed at the figure "STOP IT!!!
YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU'RE HURTING HIM STOP IT!!" Pierce anger made him hang onto orange abit more longer Now.. "AGGHHHHHHHH!!!"
The figure Everly laughs and pulls even harder on Oscar
Oscar loses a lot of grip this time
O: PIERCE, I LO-the figure pulls very hard
Pierce shouted terrified and he tried to grab onto Oscar's hand "O-OSCAR!! OH FUCK...NOO!!!
the basement door cuts Pierce abit from the pull and he let go of Oscar unfortunately..
Oscar screams while getting dragged away, soon it fades
Pierce starts crying loudly "O-OSCAR..N-No..ORANGE!.." he immediately got out from behind the basement door aka where he came in from and he sits behind the door crying into his knees almost screaming in grief
Gabriel and Luke come around the corner
Gabriel: "what's that noise..? Whats going on?!"

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