1.2 | Reason To Talk

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Zaman was sleeping when he felt like someone is riding him. And that someone must be his wife. But Aabirah never initiated sex. She was too shy to do that. He opened his eyes to witness her moving up and down his length with need.

His lips curled up into a smile as his hands went around her waist. She wore his shirt. Because she said they are much comfortable than her clothes. Or maybe his scent was her most seeked comfort.

“Good morning, Aabi.” He greeted sleepily.

“Good... morning.” She replied between her loud breaths.

“Be gentle, Aabi. I am not running away.”

“Be quiet. I know what I want.” She shut him up and continued with her wild ride.

“Okay, have what you want.”  He laid back and enjoyed the sex.

“Ahh...” She moaned.

“Yeah, keep going.” He was getting closer to his climax. His grip of her waist had tightened.

“Oh...” Aabirah moaned again.

“Keep going, I'm almost there.”  He spoke with his eyes shut close.

And they reached their climax together. Aabirah immediately fell on his chest.

“Aabi, you are getting hornier.” Zaman mumbled.

“Are you complaining?” She asked with her eyes closed and head resting against his chest.

“No, not at all.” He shook his head.

They stayed in bed for another hour. Aabirah fell asleep and Zaman kept staring at the ceiling. His palm rubbed against her back inside the t-shirt.

He wondered if she had accepted her pregnancy wholeheartedly or she was simply forcing the truth on herself. She didn't look happy to him. The only thing that will make her happy is assuring her that motherhood will not interfere with her career. And that was only possible with his support.

With these endless thoughts running in Zaman's mind, he soon fell asleep again.


Aabirah woke up after some time. But Zaman was still asleep, may be the make out exhausted him. She got up from his chest and rubbed her eyes. A yawn escaped her lips. She got up from the bed and removed Zaman's t-shirt from her body before entering the ensuite.

Fifteen minutes later, she came out with a fluffy towel wrapped around her body. Zaman was still asleep. She frowned and moved to sit beside him.

Her eyes fell on the jug placed on the nightstand and a mischievous idea struck her mind.

“Let's find a reason to talk.” She mumbled to herself while pouring the jug's content on a sleeping Zaman who immediately jolted up in shock as cold water hit his face.

He looked at his wife and then his eyes landed on the jug in her hand. Aabirah just smiled before running away from him.

“Aabi, why did you pour water on my face?” He asked while chasing her around their bedroom.

“I.. I wanted to talk.”   She gave him a lame reason.

“Oh, really? You pour an entire jug on your husband's face when you want to talk with him?” Zaman asked sarcastically.

“Yeah, it's quite fun actually.” Aabirah just shrugged, enjoying his reaction.

“Let me show you the fun.” And he marched towards her. But Aabirah was quick to run. However, soon he grabbed the towel that was wrapped around her body.

“Zaman! Leave the towel!” She held onto the towel for her dear life.

“No, it's quite fun actually.” He smirked while rephrasing her words.

Aabirah's face paled,“Zaman, please leave the towel. I feel uncomfortable.” His features softened and he let the fluffy fabric slide from his hold.

Aabirah entered the closet to wear clothes while Zaman entered the ensuite.


At the table of breakfast, Aabirah was making faces while staring at the omelette in her plate.

“What happened, Aabi? Why are you making funny faces?” Zaman asked taking a bite of omelette.

“I don't like egg.” She stated. She was disappointed that he did not know that about her. She had learnt everything about his liked and disliked food in the last three months. But maybe Zaman did not bother doing the same.

“I know. But eggs are good for the baby's health. Now eat.” His reply kind of made her happy. At least, he said that he knew it.

She smiled,“Feed me.”

Zaman looked her,“Are you a baby, Aabirah?”

“Feed your baby, Zaman.” She said it so cutely that he couldn't resist pulling her cheek.

“Okay, I will feed my both babies.” And he put a morsel of omelette in front of her smiling lips. Aabirah gladly accepted the bite. But as she chewed the omelette, her expression changed. Soon enough she had her hand on her mouth and was running towards ensuite.

Zaman walked behind her and found her puking in the ensuite. He gently caressed her back.

“It's alright, Aabi.”

After a few minutes she stopped puking and washed her face with cold tap water. With a sigh relief, Aabirah exited the ensuite and laid down on the bed, not caring to remove her slippers.

Zaman looked at her tired condition. He removed her slippers and neatly placed them at a side and then covered her with a quilt.

“This is so messy. I'm hating it already.” She mumbled in tiredness.

“It will be alright once the baby is born.” Zaman tried to assure her, but it backfired when she lashed on him.

“It's easy for you to say, Zaman. I'm the one who will have to face the consequences. It's my studies and career that will be effected, not yours. I don't give a penny about your opinion on this matter.”

Zaman stood there dumbfounded. He was hurt by her rudeness, but she was right. He left for court without saying another word.

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