5.4 • She Said Yes

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It was Adarsh's engagement ceremony that evening. He was getting engaged to his long time girlfriend Payal who was also an emerging Bollywood actress. So their engagement was talk of the town.

Kunal was busy dancing on Punjabi music with his fellow cricketers when his eyes fell on Payali. She was wearing a beautiful off white Garara with her usual boring ponytail. She made no efforts to look different that evening yet his heart began thumping at the sight. He never knew seeing her beating his stalkers will make him fall so hard for her.

After congratulating Adarsh and Payal, she went to sit at a corner table. No one really noticed her, except for him. With a sweet smile on his face he went to sit beside her.

Payali evidently looked shocked when he sat beside her. People began looking there way. They were rumoured to be dating. And this gesture only proved those rumours true.

“Kunal, get up and leave. You are attracting unnecessary attention.”

He gaped at her resistance to his presence around her. But he didn't move an inch from his place.

“Payali.” He called her name.

“Yeah.” She glanced at him.

“I wanna date you.” And she choked on the cold drink she was drinking. Payali was scandalised at his statement.

“Are you out of your mind?” She whisper yelled at him.

“Umm... No.” He gulped nervously seeing her furious reaction.

“Leave. Or I won't mind beating you with my sandal in front of everyone.” She threatened him.

Kunal, without wasting a second, stood up from the seat and left to save himself from getting embarassed in front of everyone.


A few weeks later when a very dull-faced Kunal went to practice, all the fellow players came running to him while laughing. Kunal glared at them before heading to the changing room.

But to his bad luck, Payali exited from coach's office at the very same moment and her eyes fell on him. He immediately turned around to get away from her. He was too embarassed to face her. Whole internet was laughing at him.

“Kunal, stop!” She followed him.

Kunal sighed before turning around to face her.


“How's your car?” She asked while stifling her laughter.

His soft gaze turned into a glare.

“You are also laughing at me?”

“What can I do? You ended up in such a hilarious situation. A match against West Indies. You shot a final sixer and won the match. But that shot hit on your car parked outside the stadium. It's insanely hilarious.”

“It's tragic.” He pouted.

“I know, it's tragic for you.”

“But a date could lift my mood.” He smiled boyishly.

Payali passed him a look before turning around and began walking away.

“We can go to your favourite place.” He shouted to her.

“Banana leaf. Sharp eight o'clock.”


And he was ten minutes late to the dinner date. Payali was already seated on a table when he reached the restaurant wearing two mismatched shoes. Now it wasn't his fault that he got nervous.

“Hey.” He smiled and took his seat.

“You are ten minutes late. Why?” She asked sternly. Again Payali had made no efforts to look different than her normal self. She was wearing a boring black dress with her as usual boring ponytail. While poor Kunal spent an hour to decide what to wear and yet ended up wearing mismatched shoes.

“I was nervous.” He spoke honestly.

“Shall we order?” She asked and he nodded, seeing how her expression softened at his honest reply.

He waved at a waiter who came to their table. They gave their orders and the waiter left, but not before requesting a selfie with Kunal who gladly agreed.

Kunal and Payali both could notice the eyes on them. Kunal didn't care. He wanted to the rumours to turn into a reality at that point. While Payali was still confused if she wanted to take this risk or not.

“So how was your day?” She asked, trying to start a conversation.

“Entire day I was sulking.” He pouted, making her chuckle.

“It must be awkward for you. Winning a match but damaging your own car accidentally.”

“It is.” He nodded.

“When are you going to deny the dating rumours?”

“Do I still need to do that? I mean, we are on a date right now.”

“But that's not the same.” She argued.

“Payali, I want to date you. That moment when I saw you hitting those girls with your sandal, cupid's arrow struck my heart.”

“Wait, wait, it's too early to go in that direction. Tell me any three reasons about why I should date you.”

“Well, I am successful and well-settled. I don't believe in dominating women. And I am cute.”

“Three reasons why I shouldn't date you.”

“You will be in limelight all the time. You will get trolled on social media if I don't perform well in a match. And I'll wake you around five to exercise with me.”

“Do you think it would be worth it?”

“That's for you to decide. I'll give my everything to this relationship, I promise.”

“I am a doctor. That might trouble you in the future. I am very strict at home too.”

“I think we'll balance out each other and manage quite fine.”

“Then let's give it a shot.” The way she said was hard to define. She was nervous, but confident. She was hesitant but happy.

“So, Miss Payali Bhonsle, are you ready to trend on Twitter?”

“I think so.” She chuckled at his question. She had never imagined that she will date a cricketer. But she wanted to take this chance. Maybe her monotonous life might become a bit happening.


Question: Have you listened to Ali Sethi's Left Right?

I have and I always start dancing whenever I listen to it. 😅


A Rushed Ending, I know. But this story was boring me.

Next one will be a bit different and I'm very excited for that one.

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