8.7 • A Peaceful Life

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The next morning when Iram woke up Arzaan was already present in the room. He was getting ready for the office. Seeing her awake, he spoke, “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” She yawned. She wasn't emotional anymore. Iram strangely felt calm and unaffected by what happened previous night. Maybe that's how you feel when you are tired of overthinking. Blank and unaffected.

“The watchman got arrested last night.” He informed her.

“And what did he say? Why he did he steal?”  She asked.

“For his daughter's education.”  He looked at her and as expected she was baffled and emotional hearing that. He continued, “I want him to get punished. But I don't want his daughter to suffer. So I'll be taking care of her education.”

Iram smiled softly while getting up from the bed, “Thank you.” And she went to freshen up.

When she exited the bathroom, much to her surprise Arzaan had changed into t-shirt and sweatpants.

“Aren't you going to office now?” She asked while sitting on the bed. Arzaan smiled and sat on the other side of the bed, “I changed my mind.”

“Okay.” And she leaned against the headrest.

“Why did you say Thank You earlier?” He asked.

She opened her eyes, “Because I don't want any child to go through that. Staying empty stomach for three days. It's torturous.”

“You are strong, Iram.”

She smiled, “Thank you.”

His gaze went down to the ring in her finger. His palm reached to hold her hand and caress the ring. Iram felt shy so she closed her eyes again but she couldn't help the smile on her lips.

“Iram, have you... thought something about us?” He asked softly while moving close to her.

“Umm... not yet.”  She said with her eyes still closed.

“Oh... Okay.”


Two weeks passed just like that. Iram had recovered and had again taken over the kitchen. Every now and then Arzaan would pester her to tell him if she wanted to stay married to him. But she would not give him a clear answer. Her reply was hanging somewhere between a proper yes and a proper no. But her gestures only made him believe that she wanted to stay. They still slept in the same bedroom even though she had recovered. She was no more hesitant when calling him by his name. It seemed as if she wanted to stay but wasn't ready to confess. But he was willing to wait.

That evening Iram had invited Arzaan's father over dinner. Alishba's Dadi told him that he liked Kashmiri cuisine so she cooked Rogan Josh, Wazwan, Kashmiri Dum Aloo, and Tabak Maaz. But Arzaan could eat none of these as these dishes were made with yogurt. So she made fried noodles for him. He was eating the fried noodles with a sulking face while his father enjoyed the tasty delicacies. Iram also received a jewelry set from Arzaan's father as a present. Arzaan was more than confident that his father will be visiting more than often to eat tasty food.

That night even though he was unhappy with the fried noodles he had to eat, Arzaan dared to do something. When both of them were lying on the bed at night, he moved closer to her and put his arm on her waist. He felt her stiffen but she relaxed afterwards. That was their first step towards intimacy.

Every night they would get a little more closer than before. And it was in the tenth month of their marriage that they decided to consummate. It wasn't anything accidental or something that happened in the heat of the moment. Arzaan asked her if she wanted to consummate, Iram nodded and it happened.

She still hadn't said yes or no to staying married to him. But again, her gestures told him she wanted to live with him. Their married life was peaceful and isolated. Isolated because both of them had no friends. So they had only each other's company most of the time. Sometimes they would have a hearty conversation with Alishba and her Dadi. Sometimes Arzaan's father would visit them so that he gets a chance to eat the delicious food Iram cooked.

Things were going pretty smooth. Months passed. Iram completed her graduation. And then their family planning started. They welcomed a son whom they named Izaan.

And they lived a peaceful life together in their very end.


A very short chapter.
And that's how Dard e Dil ends.




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